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HND732 Diabetes in Social and Psychological Assessment Answers

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Added on: 2022-08-20 00:00:00
Order Code: 441704
Question Task Id: 0

Assessment Task

It is important that health professionals understand the impact of diabetes on emotional and mental health, and can identify concerns, refer and provide appropriate support for people with diabetes.

Case study:Marianne is a 58-year-old woman with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes. She is married with 3 adult children and 1 grandchild. She works full-time.
Marianne is overweight and has little time or energy for exercise. She has a past history of depression but is no longer taking medication for this. She tells you she is worried about developing complications of diabetes because her father had diabetes and had a below knee amputation and died after having a stroke at the age of 65. Her children worry about her health and encourage her to lose weight. She feels overwhelmed by the diagnosis and is unsure whether she can make the changes to her eating and physical activity suggested by the dietitian. Food and eating are an important part of her culture, family and social life.

Task descriptionFor this assessment task you are required to identify the concerns expressed by Marianne and what these might indicate in terms of her emotional wellbeing. Explain how you, the diabetes educator (DE) would ask about and assess Mariannes emotional health using a validated questionnaire. State which questionnaire you would use and provide a rationale for your choice. Explain when and how you would use it. Discuss the role of the DE in assessing and supporting emotional health for people with diabetes. Include in your discussion strategies the DE could use to support Marianne and appropriate services where you might refer her.

  • Uploaded By : Hritik
  • Posted on : June 14th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 263

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