Homeostasis and Controlling Factors in the Body - Nursing Assignment Help
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Assignment Task
- Homeostasis and Controlling Factors in the Body
- The overall word limit for the three questions is 200 words
- Running marathon requires regular intense training, and therefore, the energy source during the exercise plays a major role.
- Explain why carbohydrates are used in intensive training. Show (step by step) how carbohydrates loading is required towards the marathon running preparation.
- Explain the relationship between carbohydrates and insulin to regulate the metabolism during the marathon?
- Indicate the role of oestrogen released by ovaries in homeostasis and explain whether it is negative or positive feedback
Task 3 The Nervous System
Q.1 With respect to the diagram below:
- Explain the role of sensory receptors and how they contribute towards Homeostasis and control mechanism.
- Draw and label the neuron, to explain its role in the nervous system.
- Draw a summary diagram of nervous system to explain the function/s of CNS and PNS. Clearly show how each system contributes towards Homeostasis (use bullet points).
Explain how nerve impulses are generated and transmitted along axons.
- Use the diagram to explain the action potential.
- Read the following scenarios, to explain which part of CNS is involved and provide reasons showing how homeostasis is maintained:
- Scenario with body temperature:
- You quickly become dehydrated. How do your nervous, endocrine, and urinary systems cooperate to detect and decrease your dehydration?
- ii.Joseph goes swimming with a group of friends but forgets to bring a change of dry clothes. The sun is starting to set, the temperature is falling, and his clothes are still very wet. Joseph becomes hypothermic.
- What does Joseph need to do to raise his temperature?
- b.Describe how your answer demonstrates negative feedback
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