How might Lysistrata perform femininity?
Q. How might Lysistrata perform femininity? What is its relationship to the characterisation of Lysistrata and other women in the play?
n answering one question, students are expected to research the playwright, the context of production, and the core idea or theme in the work. Related questions may include:
- How and why was this work created in its original socio-historical context? Why is this work still performed today?
- What is the play about (plot)? And what is itreallyabout (theme)?
- How do genre and other elements of drama function in exploring the core idea that the playwright is engaged with?
Assessment Criteria
- demonstrates familiarity with the dramatic work.
- demonstrates skills in close reading, interpretation, and critical reflection, and uses at least three examples from the work to illustrate the main points.
- demonstrates a clear understanding of relevant cultural or historical contexts that shape both the text and the later creative or critical responses to it.
- introduces, summarises, paraphrases, and responds to scholarly sources effectively.
- conforms to academic conventions with regard to style, grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalisation and creating works cited page.