Human Resource Management Assessment
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Aldowa is a manufacturing company that has 40 years of experience in the engineering, production, and assembly of metal claddings. With PVH, Mercedes Benz and Rabobank among its clients, Aldowa prides itself on delivering value to all its stakeholders be it customers or employees. Aldowa was bought by Droste from its original founders in 2007. When Droste acquired the company its factory workers were underpaid and they worked long hours. Moreover, they were using equipment which had not been maintained for 12 years. The company culture was traditional with lot of hierarchy and low sense of ownership among employees. Droste has appointed you as a CHRO to introduce HR practices (4 HR practices) focused on creating self -managed teams keeping customer centricity as the main performance parameter.
Question 2.
It has been a year since your organization ABC Ltd. introduced a structured performance management system for the first time. However, the leadership team has observed that most of the first line managers are still not completely hands on with this new system. Most managers are found lacking in the ability to give constructive feedback- they either shy away from discussing this or put it across very harshly thus defeating the objective. Also the focus has been on completing discussions quickly and centered more around the rating and past performance rather than setting SMART goals and a developmental action plan for the forthcoming review period. You have been asked to design a learning intervention to address this issue.
Using the ADDIE approach, specify the key questions to be considered during the process of your learning design.
Probank runs daily banking activities for individual customers and small enterprises in the Netherlands. Services are provided along 3 client facing lines: mortgages, insurances, and running accounts. The department holds the nationwide banking offices where you as an individual can go to. The department consists of 3,500 Full Time Employees (FTEs) and is spread over 250 front offices, ranging from single-person desk-in-shops to local branch offices with 80 employees. Some of its branch offices are dedicated to offering all other services for personal banking clients like online services, contact center, administrative support and coordination functions. The change management team has asked you to identify the external and internal change drivers which demands Probank transformation from hierarchical to a flat structure (Note: Probank is at present a part of risk-averse and highly government regulated banking sector.)
Question 3a.
External change drivers
Question 3b.
Internal change drivers