ICTNWK546 Manage Network Security Assignment
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Section 1: Security design preparation
Network securityplanningProvide an outline of the processesyou will use to plan, build and manage a network security designto meet theorganisationsrequirements.
- Create password specifications
- Describe the safety measures for email
- How should sensitive data be handled?
- Establish guidelines for using technology
- Establish guidelines for using Facebook and twitter
- Be ready for a situation
- Update your policy as necessary.
ICT assetsProvide an overview of the organisations assets that need protecting. Remember assets are not just physical assets.Categorise each of the assets in terms of their value. The value does not need to be a monetary value but instead can be based on the value to the organisation e.g., high, medium, low, etc.
- PeopleHuman resources are usually a company's mostsignificant asset, so they should be given higher weight when assessingrisk. (High)
- Property can consist of both physical and immaterial items(Medium)
- Legal responsibility: Legal risks should be handled separatelybecause they may affect both people and property. This is partially due tothe amount of litigation that increasingly affects the military industry(Low)no
Threat modellingDescribe at least three major threats to network security that can happen to any organisation, as well as where thesethreats originate from.For each threat, describe a system vulnerability that may have led to the threat.
- Opening a questionable email or software can download malware and viruses. This can also be avoided if malware and anti-virus applications are used.
- DDos attacks happen in the absence of a firewall or other information security software.
- Person in the Middlehappens when users connect in an unsecuredmanner.
Risk management planFor each of the threats you have identified,identify the level of risk that the threat presents (use a risk legend to do this).Rank the threats in order of severity from least severe to most severe.Outline a risk control relevant to each threat.Use the table included in the Portfolio to develop your plan.
Risk 1.
Man in the Middle Attack
Risk Control
Employing asecurenetwork
Your cablenetworkfirewallinstallation
Risk 2.
DDoS Attack
Risk Control
Putting in afirewall
Risk 3.
Risk Control
Puttingsecurityprograms,such asantivirus orantimalware,in place
Avoiddownloadingor launchingdodgyprogramsfrom emails orwebsites youdon't trust
Section 2: Security design and policy
- Network security designProvide an overview of your design to protect network security.
- Include screenshots to illustrate your work as required.
- Make sure you take into account themanufacturers recommendations for use of the tools you willincorporate into yourdesign. Write about how you have done this.
- Further, include the costs ofthe equipment/software youhave identified andThe network security design from IT Biz Solutions Security offers a complete answer to all of their security requirements. Data encryption, secure communication protocols, secure authentication and authorisation, virus protection, and intrusion detection and prevention are all included in the design. The design also incorporates a thorough monitoring and recording system to guarantee that all traffic is tracked and recorded for forensic investigation and incident response. A strong patch management system is also incorporated into the design to guarantee that all systems and apps are maintained up to date with the most recent security updates. Last but not least, the design incorporates a disaster recovery strategy to guarantee that the network and its data are safeguarded in case of an emergency.
- Before a connection is installed, a firewall will be constructed in each office.
- To prevent unauthorised users from using the network, the firewall will be configured to give out a public IP address.
- Every PC will have antivirus and anti-malware softwareinstalled.