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ICTNWK612 - Plan and manage troubleshooting integrated IP networks

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Added on: 2022-11-21 06:53:42
Order Code: 477137
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1Complete the following table with advanced network solutions to network performance and reliability issues.

2Complete the following table by explaining configuration, verification and troubleshooting procedures relevant to the items referred to.

  1. Explain the purpose of a deployment scheme in relation to WLAN.

  2. Explain how an iDevice Operating System works in relation to networking.

  3. Explain the IP model in relation to networking.

  4. Define the term network topology and summarise four main types of network topologies.

  5. Explain the term network architecture.

  6. List the key element of a network.

  7. Identify and summarise three examples of troubleshooting tools/techniques that can be used in relation to networks.

  8. Complete the following table relating to network diagnostic

    1. Outline the purpose of network standards and give an example.

    2. Outline two key networking protocols.

    3. Summarise two threat mitigation strategies relevant to a network.

    4. Describe two types of VLAN technologies.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : November 21st, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 289

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