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ICTSAS443 Support operating system users and troubleshoot applications

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Added on: 2022-10-08 05:13:58
Order Code: 469063
Question Task Id: 0


Simulated Environment

Assessment task instructions

  • The purpose of this assessment task is to support users who run operating systems (OS) in a corporate or home environment and to troubleshoot applications on a range of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) devices.
  • The training organisation must ensure that the simulated assessment environment is in accordance with the requirements specified.
  • The training organisation will assign a supervisor to the student.
  • The training organisation will provide the resources required to complete the assessment task.
  • The student must use the templates provided to document their responses.
  • The student must follow the word-limits specified in the templates.
  • The trainer/assessor must assess the student using the performance checklist provided.

Simulated environment requirements

Assessment task environment

This assessment task will be completed in a simulated environment prepared by your training organisation.

The simulated environment will provide you with all the required resources (such as the equipment and participants, etc.) to complete the assessment task. The simulated environment is very much like a learning environment where a student is able to practice, use and operate appropriate industrial equipment, techniques, practices under realistic workplace conditions.

Requirements for the simulated assessment environment

The trainer/assessor will ensure that the simulated assessment environment is sufficient to complete this assessment task.

The simulated environment consists of:

  • The training organisation as the workplace where the student will be required to complete their job-related tasks and activities
  • The standard operating/workplace procedures related to the training organisation
  • The trainer/assessor will provide the student with assistance throughout the assessment activity.

The simulated environment must meet the following criteria:

Opportunities for the student to:


Follow standard operating/workplace procedures


Use up-to-date software and equipment


Work within stated timelines to meet deadlines


Gain experience in the challenges and complexities of dealing with multiple tasks


Experience prioritising competing tasks and dealing with contingencies


Simulated environment to work with others in a team


Simulated environment sufficient to communicate, contribute and participate in tasks and activities.


Simulated environment sufficient to work independently and manage workload


Resources, tools, and equipment requirements

The following resources, tools and equipment will be made available by the training organisation at the simulated workplace to complete this assessment task:

Workplace personnel/stakeholders to participate in the questioning session requires active participation in a range of creative thinking activities

Please refer to the roles and responsibilities section for more information

required OS installation storage and recovery software

devices with application errors

samples of operating system patches

stand-alone or networked ICT device.

Simulated assessment scenario

You are required to support users who run operating systems (OS) in a corporate or home environment and to troubleshoot applications on a range of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) devices. You are required to read and understand a predetermined issue and/or situation and participate in a number of assessment activities.

The following are the goals and objectives to complete this assessment task:

Prepare to support OS users

Access OS according to organisational procedures

Determine support requirements with OS users

Analyse OS according to organisational procedures

Determine support capacity and refer to required personnel if outside scope of ability

Document intended OS support

Install, configure and troubleshoot applications and security

Install client application

Configure and customise client application within user environment and according to user specifications

Identify application problems and security issues

Troubleshoot application according to organisational procedures

Troubleshoot security permission problems

Manage application security settings

Implement OS support procedures

Determine user OS issues and problems

Research solutions to user OS issues and problems

Recommend user OS solutions

Implement OS solutions according to organisational procedures

Resolve OS issues and problems according to organisational procedures

Finalise OS support and troubleshooting procedures

Confirm all OS system support procedures have been performed

Review implemented application changes and installations and OS support outcomes according to organisational procedures

Evaluate and report on support procedures

A supervisor will be assigned to you by your training organisation. The supervisor can answer your questions related to understanding the requirements associated with the assessment task. The supervisor will act according to job role and responsibilities.

The supervisor can be your trainer or assessor or a different trainer or assessor or a staff member (including mentors) from the training organisation.

Roles and responsibilities

As part of your job role, you have the following job responsibilities:

Researches and analyses complex technical and non-technical information from a range of sources to determine requirements and complete required actions

Accurately records information and numerical data and prepares documentation using clear and accurate language to convey explicit information, requirements and recommendations

Confirms information and articulates ideas using effective communication techniques and industry standard technical language intended for audience and environment

Uses mathematical equations to calculate and compare numerical data to solve problems and determine required actions

Selects and uses required conventions and protocols when communicating with clients in a range of work contexts

Applies analytical processes to resolve technical or conceptual problems

Takes responsibility for planning, sequencing and prioritising tasks and own workload for efficiency and effective outcomes

Uses main features and functions of digital tools to complete work tasks

Task requirements

This assessment task requires you to support users who run operating systems (OS) in a corporate or home environment and to troubleshoot applications on a range of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) devices. The assessment activities are mentioned within the assessment task.

Workplace Environment

Assessment task instructions

  • The purpose of this assessment task is to support users who run operating systems (OS) in a corporate or home environment and to troubleshoot applications on a range of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) devices.
  • The training organisation must ensure that the workplace assessment environment is in accordance with the requirements specified.
  • The workplace will assign a supervisor to the student.
  • The trainer/assessor can also act as a supervisor to the student as well.
  • The workplace will provide the resources required to complete the assessment task.
  • The student must use the templates provided to document their responses.
  • The student must follow the word-limits specified in the templates.
  • The trainer/assessor must assess the student using the performance checklist provided.

Workplace requirements

Assessment task environment

This assessment task will be completed in your workplace.

The requirements for the workplace environment

The assessment task can be completed in the workplace if the student is currently working or has access to a workplace meeting the assessment criteria.

The workplace must meet the following criteria:

Opportunities for students to:


Follow standard operating/workplace procedures


Use up-to-date software and equipment


Work within stated timelines to meet deadlines


Gain experience in the challenges and complexities of dealing with multiple tasks


Experience prioritising competing tasks and dealing with contingencies


Workplace environment to work with others in a team


Workplace environment to sufficient to communicate, contribute and participate in tasks and activities.


Workplace sufficient to work independently and manage workload


Resources, tools, and equipment requirements

The following resources, tools and equipment must be available at the workplace to complete this assessment task:

Workplace personnel/stakeholders to participate in the questioning session requires active participation in a range of creative thinking activities

o Please refer to the roles and responsibilities section for more information

required OS installation storage and recovery software

devices with application errors

samples of operating system patches

stand-alone or networked ICT device.

Workplace scenario

You are required to support users who run operating systems (OS) in a corporate or home environment and to troubleshoot applications on a range of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) devices. You are required to read and understand a predetermined issue and/or situation and participate in a number of assessment activities.

The following are the goals and objectives to complete this assessment task:

Prepare to support OS users

Access OS according to organisational procedures

Determine support requirements with OS users

Analyse OS according to organisational procedures

Determine support capacity and refer to required personnel if outside scope of ability

Document intended OS support

Install, configure and troubleshoot applications and security

Install client application

Configure and customise client application within user environment and according to user specifications

Identify application problems and security issues

Troubleshoot application according to organisational procedures

Troubleshoot security permission problems

Manage application security settings

Implement OS support procedures

Determine user OS issues and problems

Research solutions to user OS issues and problems

Recommend user OS solutions

Implement OS solutions according to organisational procedures

Resolve OS issues and problems according to organisational procedures

Finalise OS support and troubleshooting procedures

Confirm all OS system support procedures have been performed

Review implemented application changes and installations and OS support outcomes according to organisational procedures

Evaluate and report on support procedures

A supervisor will be assigned to you by your training organisation. The supervisor can answer your questions related to understanding the requirements associated with the assessment task. The supervisor will act according to job role and responsibilities.

The supervisor can be your trainer or assessor or a different trainer or assessor or a staff member (including mentors) from the training organisation.

Roles and responsibilities

As part of your job role, you have the following job responsibilities:

Researches and analyses complex technical and non-technical information from a range of sources to determine requirements and complete required actions

Accurately records information and numerical data and prepares documentation using clear and accurate language to convey explicit information, requirements and recommendations

Confirms information and articulates ideas using effective communication techniques and industry standard technical language intended for audience and environment

Uses mathematical equations to calculate and compare numerical data to solve problems and determine required actions

Selects and uses required conventions and protocols when communicating with clients in a range of work contexts

Applies analytical processes to resolve technical or conceptual problems

Takes responsibility for planning, sequencing and prioritising tasks and own workload for efficiency and effective outcomes

Uses main features and functions of digital tools to complete work tasks

Task requirements

This assessment task requires you to support users who run operating systems (OS) in a corporate or home environment and to troubleshoot applications on a range of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) devices. The assessment activities are mentioned within the assessment task.

Skills Test:

In this assessment task, you are required to demonstrate your skills in a computer lab. Your assessor will assess your skills according to the performance criteria below.

Assessment criteria

In this assessment task, you are required to complete the following assessment activities:

  1. Access OS according to organisational procedures
  2. Determine support requirements with OS users
  3. Analyse OS according to organisational procedures
  4. Determine support capacity and refer to required personnel if outside scope of ability
  5. Document intended OS support
  6. Install client application
  7. Configure and customise client application within user environment and according to user specifications
  8. Identify application problems and security issues
  9. Troubleshoot application according to organisational procedures
  10. Troubleshoot security permission problems
  11. Manage application security settings
  12. Determine user OS issues and problems
  13. Research solutions to user OS issues and problems
  14. Recommend user OS solutions
  15. Implement OS solutions according to organisational procedures
  16. Resolve OS issues and problems according to organisational procedures
  17. Confirm all OS system support procedures have been performed
  18. Review implemented application changes and installations and OS support outcomes according to organisational procedures
  19. Evaluate and report on support procedures

You must complete this task based upon the information provided in the scenarios and other relevant sections of this assessment task.

You will be required to demonstrate that you have successfully participated and completed two client support activities for:

  • provide support to two different OS users, with different support requirements, on separate occasions
  • install and troubleshoot applications on at least two different ICT devices.

In the course of the above, the candidate must:

  • install, configure and troubleshoot applications
  • manage security issues associated with OS and applications
  • provide user support to users of OS
  • customise computer applications
  • anticipate and respond to a range of security incidents


  • You must use the templates wherever provided as part of the assessment activity.

Assessment conditions:

  • The student must demonstrate their skills according to the marking criteria checklist.
  • Ensure all students have access to computers, internet and required software and equipment.
  • Students are encouraged to ask questions to understand the concepts and gain knowledge of how things can be done.
  • Each student must have a clear view of what is expected from them in terms of getting the work done.
  • Each student is required to complete all assessment activities.
  • Students must save their files with the activity name and your name - for example, Activity1_john_smith.
  • You are entitled to ask for help if you don’t understand a requirement or question or the language used is not clear to you. You can ask your assessor to explain the criteria in a simpler language if you need to have this help.

General conditions:

  • The student must have permission to use the computer lab.
  • Enter and exit computer lab quietly
  • You are required to sign in and out of the computer lab
  • Food, drink or use of tobacco, in any form, is strictly prohibited
  • Be respectful to your trainer and assessor and classmates.
  • All cords should be placed on the tables (not hanging off the sides). Headphones should be placed on the CPU/tower or monitor. The chair should be pushed under the tables. All trash, papers, and pencils should be picked up.
  • Please do not change computer background or settings without a trainer and assessor’s permission or if it is not required for your assessment task.
  • Before commencing ensure you adjust your workstation according to work health and safety requirements.
  • Always log-off the computer after you finish.

Scenario number 1

You are an ICT technician. As part of your job role, you are required to backup systems, restore information, secure the system and information and use licensed software in a stand-alone or client-server environment.

Your client has complained of missing DLL files as they are receiving DLL not found errors that are preventing them from running a software application. You will be required to install and troubleshoot the related applications to ensure that the applications work without any technical issues.

The client has recently purchased your one year technical support service for any IT related issues.

The organisational requirements for technicians to work on client computers state that:

  • You must be professional in your conduct and behaviour
  • Ensure you identify and rectify the problems in a timely fashion
  • Your work will require you to work on hardware and software testing, servicing and maintenance
  • You must ensure that the client uses the legal and authorised copies of the software applications and tools.
  • All breaches must be reported to the workplace supervisor or manager.

The technical records and documentation state that:

  • Organisational requirements should be taken into account at all times
  • Verify that all network computers are running current and legal versions of the software
  • Use cloud-based email and file sharing instead of a VPN.
  • Create and enforce user-access policies. Be stingy when granting access to employees, contractors and business partners.
  • Make sure employees know how to secure their home wireless networks. Malicious software that infects their devices at home can infect the company network via an open VPN connection, and
  • Before granting mobile devices full access to the network, check them for up-to-date anti-virus software, firewalls and spam filters.

Organisational backup and restore procedures include the following information:

  • The backup should occur on a daily basis
  • The restore should occur only where the manager or supervisor has approved the request

Organisational security guidelines state that:

  • Only authorised people should have access to the system, backup and restore functionalities
  • Security protocols must be followed at all times
  • Don’t use any words from the dictionary. Also, avoid proper nouns or foreign words.
  • Don’t use anything remotely related to your name, nickname, family members or pets.
  • Don’t use any numbers someone could guess by looking at your mail like phone numbers and street numbers, and
  • Choose a phrase that means something to you, take the first letters of each word and convert some into characters.
  • Multi-factor authentication should be used at all times.
  • Segregate critical data from the rest of the network and require users to authenticate themselves before accessing it.
  • Run vulnerability scanning tools at least once a week and conduct penetration testing, and
  • Continuously monitor network traffic to detect unusual patterns of activity and possible threats.

Scenario number 2

You are an ICT help desk technician to provide level 2 support. As part of your job role, you are required to assist clients over a telephone line. Your work involved you in providing assistance to clients based upon your job-requirements mentioned in the level 2 support technician profile. The client is in a service contract with you for six months ending next week.

Your client has notified you about the following issues:

  • Fix windows 10 blue screen of death (BSOD) errors

You will be required to install and troubleshoot the related applications to ensure that the operating system and applications work without any technical issues.

The level 2 support technician profile

The profile state the following:

  • Level 2 generally handles break/fix, configuration issues, troubleshooting, software installations, hardware repair (including in-house repair or coordinating depot services).
  • Review all frequently asked questions and database to find the best possible solutions for your client
  • Level 2 staff handle escalated issues that Level 1 support is not equipped to handle.
  • Level 2 will sometimes escalate to Level 3, depending on the issue and the way the Help Desk operates.

You are required to:

  1. Only solve known issues and escalate new issues to level 3; or
  2. Be authorised to research and implement fixes for new issues and only escalate to Level 3 if it is out of their skill set or ability to solve.

The Level 3 support technician profile state the following:

  • Troubleshooting, configuration, database administration, and repair for server, network, infrastructure, Data Center, email, file shares, and other infrastructure issues.
  • Besides always having the ability to deploy solutions to new problems, a Level 3 tech usually has the most expertise in the organisation and is the go-to person for solving difficult issues.

The organisational requirements for help desk technicians state that:

  • You must be professional in your conduct and behaviour
  • Ensure you identify and rectify the problems in a timely fashion
  • Your work only on the known areas or research and implement fixes for new issues Level of support indicates a specific extent of technical assistance in the total range of assistance that is provided by an information technology product (such as a software product) to its customers. Each company decides how to organize its total technical support into levels and what to name them under your scope of work.
  • You must ensure that the work is completed within the legislative and regulatory framework.
  • All issues outside your scope of work must be reported to level 3 technicians
  • All breaches must be reported to the workplace supervisor or manager.
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : October 08th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 434

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