Identify Medications From the Patient's Home - Medical Science Assignment Help
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You will be provided with additional information pertaining to the patient. which include the hospital course and an updated focused physical examination. You will be required to
1. Summarise the Class. Mechanism of Action, Adverse effects. Potential drug.drug interactions. the physiologic manifestations of these reactions. and Nursing considerations when the patient is on the post admission medications. You should be thscussing onlY OA medication from this list
2. Identify medications from the patient's home list and post admission list appropriate for continuation at discharge
3. Any patient-centred modifications or discontinuations to the list and provide a rationale why these medications rnay be discontinu. and why other medications may be added
4. Discharge teaching points you would provide to the patient regarding Q.., of the medications.
Read the following document which provide an update of the patient case scenario post Admission Meds,..g Patient mgress note.doc4 What you are Supposed to do
1.Use the clinical reasoning cycle to consider the patient's situation, describe or list facts. Collect cues: review current information (e.g. handover reports. patient history. patient charts. results of investigations and nursing/medical assessments previously undertaken). Recall knowledge (e.g. physiology, pathophYsiOl08, PbarmacologY). Process information and use it to identify problems and synthesise facts to make a probable diagnosis of the patient's problem. establish goals select a course of action between different alternative variables. NOTE: Using the clinical reasoning cycle will be demonstrated by the way you present the information, it is not an expectation that you present the cycle itself.
2. Create a POWERPOINT presentation of 10 minutes duration incorporating the elements from TASK 1 and TASK 2. Be as creative as possible. sky is the limit. The number of slides must not exceed 10.
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