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Invention of the camera and photography Impact detailed assessment

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Through the innate human instinct to communicate with one another, humans have developed technologies of all different kinds to bridge the gaps between countries. The invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell patented in 1876, aided in the shortening of time within communications between people, allowing for deeper connectivity across the globe. Alberto Santos-Dumont was the first to publicly invent the most innovative travel, air travel. His first aircraft in 1899 was the beginning of global connectivity, allowing society to turn month-long voyages into days worth of travel. The invention of the camera and photography allowed for cultures, politics, and social events to be communicated visually without physical presence, building an understanding of other communities and societies.

Source 1 Article:

Cherry, C. (1977). The Telephone System: Creator of Mobility and Social Change. RetrievedOctober 9, 2022,

1) Introduction

In this article, Collin Cherry discusses the revolution in global communication, the invention of the telephone, and its developments throughout the 19th century. Cherry discusses powers for change, indicative of the telephone's capabilities and its organizational means in a way to aid communication across the globe. The article also explores the importance of upholding verbal communication within the modern day and how this further emphasized connection beyond physical barriers.

2) Authorship

This article written by Collin Cherry was a review based on Ithiel de Sola Pool's book the Social Impact of the Telephone. Cherry was a cognitive scientist and electronic engineer whose overarching interest was focused on telecommunications which led him to research human behavior. He worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) focusing on communication studies where he wrote this article.

3) Aims Research Methods

Cherry's aim was to explore the importance of understanding the telephone's capabilities. Stating that the invention itself doesn't cause change but how society utilizes its potential. Cherry describes the telephone as organizational in function…productive traffic. As to the economic sphere, creating networks and connecting society. The connectivity that the telephone provides for political purposes is also explored emphasizing two-way communication service is an essential pre-requisite to any form of "democratic" state. Whereby providing a more streamlined communicative tool, aiding in the proper discourse between parties, nations, and governments.

4) Reflection and usefulness to research

This article is a great introduction to the critical developments of the telephone in society and how it has interconnected the globe further emphasizing its capabilities with communication. It covers a large range of contexts and impacts on society however, I will not be using this further research, rather focusing on the original book as my basis.

Source 2: Documentary

Brian Breger. (2006). Wings of Madness [Documentary]. 

1) Introduction

This documentary by Brian Breger discusses the early stages of air-based travel, focusing on Alberto Santos-Dumont in 1899 invented the first working airship, powered by an internal-combustion engine and hydrogen gas to uphold its weight. From his initial attempts, Santos-Dumont went on to build many innovative aircraft, showcasing his inventions, ideas, and thinking to the public. His philosophy was to utilize air travel as a means to make the world a better place through communication, stating that you would be able to visit those you had differences with and when you met them face to face, you realize were similar and hostilities would fall away. His viewpoint of bringing people closer together shows how aviation connects people around the globe.

2) Authorship

The documentary was directed and produced in 2006 by Brian Breger who has worked with acclaimed productions including Discovery, National Geographic, and PBS. It was based on the biographical book by Paul Hoffman Wings of Madness'' published in 2003 with a background in science. Breger has produced many acclaimed films over his 30-plus year career with his expertise in documentary making and non-fiction. Hoffman had a career as president and publisher of encyclopedia Britannica prior to returning to writing full-time. (Paul Hoffman (Science Writer) -Wikifox.org, n.d.)

3) Aims Research Methods

The aim of the documentary was to showcase Santos-Dumont's inventions and philosophy. He is often overshadowed by the American Wright Brothers as the first inventors of the aircraft as the media favors them due to outdated societal and cultural contexts. Breger aimed to illustrateSantos-Dumont in a favorable light, explaining that he was very public about his research and findings so that others could better his technology. He never patented his technology. This is indicative of his philosophy of connecting the globe through aviation. He inspired a new age of aviation enthusiasts. However, his inventions were used to fight world wars which contrasts with his intentions.

4) Reflection and usefulness to research

This documentary was helpful in developing an understanding of the origins of air-based transport and the philosophy within its development. Its limitations are revealed in its focus on historical research being the main theme addressed. I see it as a basis for my study while adding other research essays to support my arguments.

Source 3: Book

Emerling, J. (2012). Photography: history and theory. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge.

1) Introduction

This book by Jae Emerling explores the history of photography with its roots in the 19th century and the critical history it produced. Through understanding the historical associations with the invention of the camera, we can gather an understanding of how the camera's use changed the way society interacted. It gave us bridges between countries to visually learn, understand and appreciate other cultures, countries, and societies without being physically present.

2) Authorship

Jae Emerling is a professor at the University of North Carolina who teaches modern and contemporary arts. Emerling has a strong academic background in visual cultures and artistic research Ph.D. in Art History from the University of California (Jae Emerling, n.d.)

3) Aims Research Methods (specific issues and contexts debated)

The overarching aim of this book was an insight into the photographic discourse that capture historical moments and what this means to society. Emerling also discusses the beginnings of photography being seen as art, examining critical postmodernism which was an anti-aesthetics-based movement used to create socio-political critiques. Emerling writes about how each time-based movement is purposefully done to address the narrative within its historical context, stating that photography pierces this wall thereby allowing a newfound source of visual communication.

4) Reflection and usefulness to research

I definitely will use this source as a basis for my research as it has provided a practical understanding of how visual communication through photography and further, the invention of the camera has allowed us to forever document historical events and communicates these events across cultures and, societies, moreover, connecting the globe.


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