Database Design with Application Project
- Subject Code :
- Country :
United States America
Database Design with Application
Your assigned topic for developing database design with the application, which is a standalone application, for your term project. The project progressive report should be updated and turned in every week. Its format should be single space, Times New Roman font, 12 font size, and fully justify on text. The project progressive report should be at least one page for each report, which will add to the previous week's reports to turn in. At the end of the semester, your project progressive report will be at least 6 pages. Each progressive report will be due on Sunday at midnight every week. The project progressive report should include both technical and managerial aspects of your project. You are also needed to market your project in a technical project proposal (so your proposal will be selected over other competing proposals). Make sure you provide a Road Map in each section and make sure you have transition paragraphs in the proposal.
Database development requirements:
- At least 3 Interfaces for the application (Service/Product, HR, Vendor.etc. for the application).
- ER Diagram
- The database should design in Microsoft Access
Database Application requirement:
- The project documentation that including the project proposal and project progressive report.
- The database application (Whole project program, which is the Visual Studio project folder.)
- The instruction manual for how to use your designed database application.
- PowerPoint Presentation for sale your application on the market.
Project Proposal (see Database Project Proposal file)
- Title Section
- Topic Research and Executive Summary
- Statement of work
- Project Management Approaches, Schedule, and Milestones
- Methodology and Implementation Plan
- Expected Results: The Deliverables
- Personnel (Student's Information)
- Supporting Facilities (Tools)