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ITDA1001 Database Fundamentals

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Added on: 2023-11-02 06:30:22
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Entities and their attributes

Member: It stores details of the members of Fit-life Fitness Centre.

  • memberID: unique identification number for the member
  • firstName: first name of the member
  • lastName: last name of the member
  • membershipType: type of the membership held by the member. It is a foreign key establishing a relationship with a membership level entity.

Class: it represents a class offered by the fitness centre to its members.

  • classID: unique identification number for each class
  • className: name of the class such as Yoga class
  • classType: class type, such as basic class or premium class.
  • additionalFee: the charges additional to the membership to have participation in a class

Schedule: it stores the schedule for each class.

  • scheduleID: unique identification number for each schedule
  • scheduleDays: it lists all the days on which the class is available. For example, Monday-Friday is stored to indicate that the class will be scheduled from Monday to Friday or five days a week.
  • startTime: starting time of the class on the scheduled days. For example: 09:00 AM
  • endTime: ending time of the class on the scheduled days. For example: 12:00 PM


  • paymentID: unique identification number for each payment made by the member.
  • paymentDate: the date on which a particular payment is made.
  • amount: it is the amount transacted in a payment.

membership level

  • membershipID: unique identification number for each membership plan
  • membershipName: name of the membership plan. For example, basic or premium.
  • Charges: it stores the current charges for enrolling in basic or premium membership plans.

Relations and cardinality

attends(member-class): there is a many-to-many relationship between member and class entity because a class may have zero or multiple members, and a member can attend one or multiple classes. The relationship has one attribute: presentOnDate. This attribute is used to store on which date the member was present. Therefore, the target relationship as an entity will contain three attributes: memberID, classID and presentOnDate.

has(class-schedule): there is a one-to-one strictrelationship between class and schedule entity. It means a schedule must only be related to a class, and a class must have only one schedule in the schedule entity.

has(membership level - member): there is a one-to-many relationship as one membership may have zero or multiple members, and there may be many members taking a particular membership level.

paid(member-payment): there is a one-to-many relationship as one member may pay multiple payments, but one payment must be associated with one member only.

Assumptions or constraints

  • A member is allowed to accomplish the payment for a membership plan in instalments.
  • Only the day on which the member was presented is recorded. It is assumed that the absenteeism can be calculated accordingly.
  • Under the basic membership plan, a member is assumed to take part in several classes that are not premium.
  • The schedule for a class is not divided into two or multiple parts on the same day. For example, a class cannot be for one hour in the morning and two hours in the evening. The schedule must be continuous for the day.
  • Total payment by a member can be derived using all the payment details related to the member.

Activity 2: Business specification


  • Department
  • Employee
  • Manager
  • Project
  • Dependent


  • Works_on_hours(Employee- Project): There is a one-to-many relationship with the total and partial participation of employee and project entity, respectively.

  • Works_in(Employee - Department): there is a one-to-many relationship with total and partial participation of Employee and Department entity, respectively.
  • Manager(Employee - Department): There is a one-to-one relationship with total participation of both entities. This is because each department has only one manager, and one manager can handle only one department.
  • Has (Project - Department): there is a one-to-many relationship with total and partial participation of the Project and Department entity.
  • Dependent_of (Dependent - Employee): there is a one-to-one relationship with total participation of both entities.

Weak relations

  • Project Department

Operational guidelines

  • Each employee must have an association with a department.
  • A department may have zero or multiple employees.
  • One department has one or no manager.
  • One department may have multiple projects or no projects at all.
  • An employee must have at least one dependent.
  • An employee may or may not be assigned to a project.
  • A project must be assigned to at least one employee.
  • A department may or may not be assigned to a project.

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  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : November 02nd, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 88

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