ITECH3001Form Design Assessment
- Subject Code :
- Applythe theoriesand principlesstudied inthecourseto date.
- Designanddevelopan advancedweb form.
Below is a scenario thatrequires youto designaformforanorganisation.
Due to high inflation and rising cost of living, more and more people are going online to order freshproduces from local farmers directly rather than buying them from supermarkets. A local Ballaratbased farm group called Old Time Market or OTM is selling farm fresh products to householdsdirectly through innovative video broadcasting and online order. OTM sells fresh farm produce(meat, fruit, vegetables, dairy products etc) obtained from local farmers and is delivered to thecustomersdooratsetdaysoftheweek.TobuyfromtheOTM,customersmustberegisteredtobea member. OTM is updating their website, previously people wishing to join the OTM had to do soover the telephone or send in a paper form. The organisation now plans to allow people to registeronline, the application form therefore must be designed as an online and web based form. Thefollowingarethe details:
- OTM members can elect to buy a regular box of produce weekly or fortnightly. There arethree different sized boxes depending on the size of the family, large, medium and small.Memberscan alsohaveregular weeklydeliveriesof dairyproducts such ascheese and
- Members may nominate up to three different fruit or vegetables they do not want included intheir order.
- Thereare discountsfororderinga boxof produce
- The delivery charges and dates vary depending on where members live. There are threeregions (map provided on the website) and members must identify which region they live in.Thechargesare $6 for region 1, $8 region 2 and $10for region 3.
- Orderscan be changedonline andanemailconfirmation is sent ifthere isa change.
- Onlypeoplelivingin Victoriacanbe members.
- Potentialmembersareprovidedwithdifferentpaymentmethods,includinganauthoritytodeductfroma creditordebit card. There isa one-off small joining feeof $15.
- OTMneedsinformationondeliverydetailsandinparticularwheretheproduceshouldbeThey cannot deliver to a post office box.
- Membersmayelecttoreceivefurtherinformationonpromotionsornewproductsfrom
You are required to draw the design of the form with the labels and any necessary instructions. Theform should be no more than 3 pages, penalty applies for exceeding 3 pages. Because its acompact form, you need to be creative so that a customer can complete it in minutes rather thanhours.
You are also required to provide a brief or one-page written justification for your decisions inrelation to the design of the form.This should draw on principles and theories you have learnt fromlectures,tutorials and the book.