Law Theory Based Assignment
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QUESTION 1 "Only good law is law." Is this a central tenet of the natural law theory? [25 marks]
QUESTION 2 "Modified positivism". Is this an accurate description of Hart's theory of law? [25 marks]
QUESTION 3 "I have invented, for this purpose, a lawyer of superhuman skill, learning, patience and acumen, whom I shall call Hercules..." (Ronald Dworkin, Taking Rights Seriously, p.105). Comment critically on the role of Hercules in Dworkin's theory? [25 marks]
QUESTION 4 "The 'rule of law' is a concept that varies from society to society, and from generation to generation." Discuss. [25 marks]
QUESTION 5 To what extent, if any, is the critical legal studies movement a continuation of the realist school of law? [25 marks]
QUESTION 6 "The Marxist theory of law has lost relevance in modern jurisprudence". Discuss. [25 marks]