LAWS12076 Law of Startups Presentation
- Subject Code :
Tan Lin Tze always wanted to run a food shop. He decided to buy a franchise. The one he liked most was called Pie Shop. After carrying out his due diligence on Pie Shop, he purchased one of the franchises. Tan Lin Tze is unsure of the business structure to use. He also wants advice on what risk management issues to consider in running the business. Advise.
WORD COUNT: 2500 words (including footnotes, which must be non-substantive.) Credit will not be given for footnotes containing substantive material. The word count must be stated on the cover sheet. Any group that enters an incorrect word count on the cover sheet could potentially face allegations of misconduct.Footnotes will be assessed for form and accuracy. Students will be expected to use the referencing method outlined in the Australian Guide to Legal Citation4.
Footnotes must not include matters of substance. Revise carefully for grammar and spelling errors, as marks will be deducted for such errors. A cover page should be used stating the name of the subject, your student number, the title of the assignment, and the word count.
COPY OF ASSIGNMENT:A copy of the submitted assignment must be retained by each student. Although all care is taken by the Faculty with assignments submitted in the prescribed manner, the onus remains on each student to produce a copy of any submitted assignment in the event that it cannot be located by the School.
SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENT:An electronic copy of the assignment must be submitted by uploading it to Moodle via the relevant link.
LATE SUBMISSION:Applications for extensions should be made to the course coordinator beforethe due date and time of submission. Extensions on medical grounds mustbe supported by a medical certificate. Extensions on personal or emotional grounds may be granted, but only in exceptional circumstances. Extensions will ordinarily not be granted because of computer crashes or because of multiple assignments and clashes of due dates. It is the responsibility of students to manage their time efficiently and to take precautionary measures such as making backup copies when using computers.
PENALTIES FOR LATE SUBMISSION:Where an assignment is not submitted on time, a penalty of 5%
of the total available marks for the assessment will be deducted for each full or part calendar day the assessment task is overdue.
REVIEW OF GRADES:Students must apply for a review within 10 days following the certification of grades.Students are warned that reviews can lead to marks being moved downwards as well as upwards.
According to Central Queensland Universitys Academic Misconduct Procedure [3.3], academic misconduct is any action or attempted action that may result in an unfair academic advantage to one or more individuals. It covers plagiarism [including self-plagiarism], cheating [including contract cheating], and any other act or omission that can be regarded as academically dishonest. [3.3]). Serious consequences can attach to academic misconduct, including the deduction of marks, failing the assessment item, failing the subject, and, specifically for law students there may be a requirement to disclose this information upon seeking admission.