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Managing Project Teams and Stakeholders Assignment

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Added on: 2023-04-24 13:12:26
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Critically analyse your individual and teams experiences by using the results in the Harvard Business Publishing Everest simulation using the following three course concepts; Teams, Leadership and Communication. Draw conclusions highlighting lessons learned and recommendations for leading projects being part of a project team and communicating effectively within a project team.

Key objectives are:

  1. Identify maximum three issues from your simulation experience related to each topic and,
  2. Reflect on how these issues are related to the theories and concepts discussed during the lectures and,
  3. Analyse each issue in depth them by referring to academic research.
  4. Conduct a post completion review based on the project management agreement You will run the simulation twice with the same team. You can choose the issuesfrom round one, round two or compare these two rounds. Issues can also include your individual experience or your team experience and issues around the Project Management Agreement you designed with your team.

Your assignment should have the following sections:

  1. Teams: short description of issues with an in-depth reflection
  2. Leadership: short description of issues with an in-depth reflection and discussion strategies to manage them
  3. Communication: short description of issues with an in-depth reflection and discussion strategies to manage them
  4. Project Management Agreement and Post Completion Review: Treat this simulation as a team project and design a professional contract all team members will sign and attach signed agreement to your report. In this section, write a post completion review on your contract also, identifying how the contract could be improved focusing on all three topics and issues encountered, along with a discussion on strategies to manage them.

Word limit: Total of 2500 words (+/-10%) excluding references and appendices.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 24th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 277

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