Purpose: This assessment has been designed with the purpose for you to explore therelevant and associated costs with hosting an event for profit and in this case the profit willbedonatedtoacharityofyourchoice,e.g.NSWRFS,SalvationArmy,RedCrossetc.
Background: For this task you will be planning your 18th birthday party at a venue of yourchoice. Your fundraising goal for your chosen charity will be $1000 which you will bedonating regardless of how your event turns out. You will be requesting that guests pay fortheir entry to your event and notifying them that all funds raised cover the cost of the eventandadonationtoyourchosenorganisation.
You will be researching event venues and the associated costs such as catering, finding thebreak-even point and the profit zone, as well as show your calculations using a range ofmathematicaltoolsandtechnology.
Guests will be required to pay for their attendance on the evening but you will assume thatallyouinvitewillattendforquestions1-3.
Any party requires a guest list so before you find your location write a list of guests youwouldliketoattend.
Research venues to find an appropriate venue to host your event. Suggested websites
Inthissectionyoumustincludethe following:
- Guestlist
- Websitelinktoyourchosenvenue
- Screenshotofyourvenues website
- Screenshot of the venues facilities that you will be using (i.e. the room you chose)includingthepriceperheadforeachguestwiththepriceshownfor
- Justification At least a paragraph outlining why you chose your charity includingat least three reasons why you support their cause. You will also need a secondparagraph giving two reasons you chose your venue as well as give a mathematicalexplanationforyourvenuebeingthemostappropriatechoiceforyour
Show the total cost of hosting the event at your chosen venue with your guest list asreference.
Show the revenue from hosting your event including the total amount you will donate toyourcharity.
To show the relationship between the total cost of your event and the revenue raised, writeanequationforeachcalculationinQuestion2.
For both equations set up a table of values using a range of values for x axis thatdemonstrateagoodspreadofcosts.
Discuss the break-even point for hosting this event and what this means for you and yourcharity. You should write at least one paragraph discussing the costs and your ability todonateatthebreak-evenpoint.
- Discuss what effect less people attending than planned will have on your fundraising Keep in mind that you will be donating $1000 to your charity no matter howmanypeopleattendyourparty.Showsomecalculationstovalidateyour
discussion. i.e. Factor in that approximately 15% of your guest list may not RSVP orcannotmaketheevent.
- On your graph, identify where the cost of less people attending can be illustrated.This means duplicating your graph and adding further details to demonstrate yourUsethefiguresyouhaveusedinparta)tosupportyourdiagram.
- Assume all guests invited attend your event but you chose to offer a pay at the dooroption for other friends and family you may have originally forgot to invite. Thismeans that you have more guests attend than your proposed costs.Discuss usingcalculationswhateffectthishastoyourfundraising
- Duplicate your original graph and illustrate where more guests attending thanoriginallyproposedcanbe