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MECH 315 Geometric Modelling Project

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Term project gives students an opportunity to explore general skills required within his future work such as time management, effective communication, prioritizing, organizing and team working. Student will also have the opportunity to develop his knowledge and skills as well as learning to produce well-constructed report in the area of Geometric Modeling.


This Project will give you the opportunity to explore and utilize the various workbenches and commands of Siemens NX directly related with geometric modeling and will account for a considerable credence towards the final grade for the whole of this course. Students in a group of 3-4 maximum will be required to select a multi-body product of their choice which should be reasonably complex. Some examples are suggested in the end and for these products.

The project is divided in two parts. In the first part, you will work on 3D modelling of the assigned product. The 3D model of the designed product should resemble exactly to the real product in terms of colour, texture and other geometric features and should be ready for rapid proto-typing.

In the second part, you will prepare a report using MS Word highlighting your strategy and developments of your modeling work. The work on this part shall be done in your own free time. You will also prepare an oral and multimedia presentation of your modeling work in front of your colleagues and instructor at a defined date at the classroom. The project submission and delivery schedule is provided in the next pages and will be strictly observed.

The product will be modelled under the NX modeling environment. Ideally, all the features of the modeling environment should be used for your modeling work. Assembly design and drafting environments should be used for their respective tasks. You are required to prepare the engineering drawing of individual parts as well as the assembly drawing, using standard

engineering practice learnt and discussed in the class. It is worth to mention again this point that the final product model should resemble exactly to the real product in terms of color, texture and other geometric features and should be ready for rapid proto-typing.

Finally, you can submit the modeling work (NX files) as well as project report using blackboard under the Term Project folder.


Students can pick any product for their project relevant to the scope of the course. However, prior approval from the instructor is needed. Some previous ideas are given below and further will be discussed in the class.

  1. Vacuum cleaner
  2. Butterfly valve assembly
  3. Shaper tool head assembly
  4. Pipe vice assembly
  5. Telephone cum fax machine
  6. Steam Engine with railway track
  7. Rail-car with rail track
  8. Wheeled loader truck
  9. Dump truck with roll-off dump container
  10. Excavator or Bull-dozer or Cement mixer
  11. Lego toys (e.g., train set, boat, plane etc.)
  12. Food Processor (complete)
  13. Cruise ship
  14. Castor Wheel


  1. This Project is required to be completed by groups of 3-4 students
  2. No more than one group can select the same topic in all sections
  3. Any similarity between reports will be investigated and may lead to dire consequences.
  4. Complete the project prior to the given date.
  5. No late reports will be accepted.
  6. All reports will be marked for the final assessment.
  7. Any proven cases of work copied from another student will result in both students receiving zero for the project.
  8. Spelling mistakes or poor use of English will not be acceptable.
  9. Project report and modeling work submission dates
  10. Project Presentation Schedule
  11. Students are also required to submit the original model along with the modeling work for comparison and verification purposes.


Although the project is a collective work; each team member will be responsible about each and single detail of the submitted work of his/her group.

By submitting this work in your own name you are implicitly stating that the work is your own and where you have used other sources you have acknowledged those sources in your work.


3D modeling and assembly work


Detailed working and assembly drawings set


Project report and presentation



Plagiarism is defined as the presentation of another persons work as your own. This includes copying from books without referencing the material or copying from another students work. In this be the case, plagiarism is considered as theft and any student found to have plagiarized would be awarded an automatic fail for the piece of work submitted.


  1. The format for the report should be typed (using MS Word).
  2. The modeling in development pictures should be captured using the capturing tool available in NX. Scanned images shall NOT be accepted.
  3. Handwriting shall not be accepted what so ever, even in the cover page.
  4. Try to be creative and do not use fonts that are difficult to read.
  5. Line spacing should not be less than 1.3 times.
  6. All paragraphs are to be justified.
  7. The cover page should have your name, date and title of the project.
  8. The first page should have an Index with page numbers.
  9. The next page should be exploded view of your product with bill of materials.
  10. The introduction, objection and main text should follow.
  11. In the end you can discuss your experience with NX, your proficiency in using it, challenges or difficulties faced during modeling work and how your addressed the,
  12. Provide caption for each picture included in your report
  13. The report/presentation may contain information from the internet or reference books but the text matter should be in your own words. Do not COPY / PASTE.
  14. If you do need to use information from other sources please REFERENCE them.
  15. Projects are a very important part of your final grades so please ensure that you meet the format requirements and the deadline.
your final grades so please ensure that you meet the format requirements and the deadline.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : December 09th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 262

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