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MKT10009 Marketing and the Consumer Experience Presentation

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Added on: 2023-04-07 05:38:14
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Detailed Assignment instructions

Assignment Overview

For Assignments 2 and 3, you formed a Group with 3 or 4 other people. In Assignment 2 each Group member analysed one of the competing brands in a product category chosen by your Group. Now, you are a group of start-up founders wanting to launch a new product.

You will present an 8-minute persuasive Presentation (known as a “pitch”) that convinces your “audience” - a group of prospective investors - to invest in your new product. The “pitch” will be in these main parts:

  • Compare the marketing mix and positioning of the existing competing brands in the market for that product
  • Propose your new product designed to exploit the “gap” in the
  • Detail the target segment for this new product, and the marketing mix intended to implement and communicate your new product to them.


  • Presentation in-Class in Week 11 of 8 minutes duration(+ 10%). 
  • Format – speakers present to the audience using slides as supports.
  • Every Group member must present some of the content of the presentation.

Slide Deck - Please also include a Title slide, Agenda slide (that is, a slide with content equivalent to a Table of Contents) and slide numbering. If you used Chat GPT (or any other AI support), please place a statement on your Title slide to say; “We have used Chat GPT (or INSERT other AI as the case may be) in developing and writing this Presentation”.

Group Work

  • Group work is a normal and accepted practice in both business and academic study.
  • As an alternative to meeting face-to-face, Group work can be done remotely via email, Google docs, Facebook messenger, and/or What's App groups or other platforms that are mutually agreed by your group. You can video conference using Skype or Zoom.
  • Group work can be challenging and groups are reminded that working collaboratively is an essential work life skill.
  • Groups that need guidance with group work should email their Teacher to discuss any issues that may arise.

Grade Weight:

  • 20% content + 5% group contribution = 25% in Total.

The New Product Plan

In Assignment 2 you created a ‘marketing intelligence’ analysis of the existing market. Now you share your individual work with your team and together you will present a persuasive Presentation live in-class to persuade investors to invest in your new product.  

       1. You are encouraged to be creative in your presentation, but overall, the Presentation must explicitly provide the following information:

  1. A positioning map(See Week 5) of your analysed brands, plus other prominent brands that you did not analyse (if any), constructed using data from the work that Group members did for Assignment 2.
  2. Explain the competitor brands’ positioning and Points-of-Difference and USPs (See Week 5).
  3. Show a cleargap in the market where you could launch a product. 
  4. Then, propose a new product to fill that gapthat your company plans to launch. Justify its positioning in the 
  5. Based on your understanding of the competitive landscape, you need to also create a persona of the ideal consumer segment for your company’s new product.You will also explain your positioning strategy to that ideal consumer (target) market. This strategy should be supported by your understanding of: -
    • That persona’scharacteristics, their motivations for using products in your category – such as the problem they are wishing to solve, the need they are trying to satisfy,
    • their frustrations with the products currently in the market,for example in the instant coffee category there may be no low-price no-caffeine product available,
    • Their criteria for choice amongst competing brands(use the “evaluation of alternatives” stage of the CDMP as a guide (Week 2), and their life goals that are relevant to the product category. 
  6. Develop a Positioning Statement for your new product(Week 5) including its Unique Selling Proposition for your target segment.
  7. Then, develop a basic Marketing Mixthat will implement and communicate your Positioning of the product to this segment. Demonstrate application of theory (Canvas > Modules > Textbooks and Resources > Study Skills 4) from the Unit materials when you explain Mix details including Product (Week 6) (i.e., what will your product be? How can you use the Three Levels theory to describe it?) Place (Week 7) (i.e. how and where will you sell it? Would you require intermediaries or retailers for your product? If yes, then what do you want them to do?), Promotion (Week 8) (what will be your advertising theme? How does that relate to your Positioning? Where will you place your message (media vehicle matching?), and Price (Week 9) (how much will you sell it for in the market? What pricing strategy are you going to use?)

Your New Product Plan should be solidly grounded by your analysis of existing products and your understanding of the target market. Provide sources and evidence for your analysis, as well as demonstrate relevant theories and frameworks you’ve learned as the guide for your work.

Students who will not be presenting live with their Group.

Where a student will not be able to present live in-Class in the Group presentation then they need to ensure that they make a significant contribution to the development of the Presentation before the day of the live Presentation.  

The Group must inform the Teacher as to whether or not that student should receive the Group Mark: -

  • The non-presenting student should receive the Group mark unless the Group states to the Teacher that that student has not made a contribution to the Group’s development of the Assignment.
  • If the non-presenting student is not to receive the Group mark then the Teacher will contact that student and inform them of this.
  • The non-presenting student may then show the Teacher evidence of their contribution.
  • The Teacher may then decide to award the Group mark to the non-presenting student.


  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 07th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 418

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