MMK710 Fundamentals of MarTech Assessment
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Organizations of all sizes are increasingly relying on their technology architecture to implement their marketing strategies. With the plethora of options out there, marketing professionals that specialize in marketing technology are needed to provide a set of recommendations for an organization on its marketing technology requirements for operational purposes. By completing this task successfully, you will develop the essential evaluation and communication skills needed to advise marketing executives on how to improve their technology architecture.
The task provides you with opportunities to learn the knowledge (GLO1 & ULO1) and skills (GLO 2 & ULO2; GLO4 & ULO3) required in the study and contemporary practice of marketing with technology. It will also require you to explicitly consider real world contextual requirements including ethical and moral considerations (GLO8 & ULO4). By completing this task, you will develop your skills in researching, understanding, applying, evaluating, and presenting information required of business professionals working in a technology enhanced environment.
To complete this task, you will put yourself in the position of a MarTech adviser. Working with a set of organizational requirements, you will research, evaluate, and judge which set of technologies would best suit the organization, and make specific recommendations on the technologies that you would implement (purchase, develop or subscribe to). You will need to show that you understand and can articulate not just what technologies can do but how they can be integrated with existing processes and technologies to meet the organization's needs effectively and efficiently.
Your audience will be a senior management group (e.g. executive level of the organization in the context given) to whom you will pitch your recommendations.
Specific Requirements
There are two components that must be submitted for this task:
- Part A: The main component of this task (40% of your final grade) is a 3000-word written report containing your assessment of the organisation's goals, areas of improvement, recommended MarTech architecture 2 framework and how they address the organisations goals, and financial considerations. (See specific requirements below.)
- Part B: You must present your context, evaluation and recommendations (20% of your final grade) in a 10- minute video using a medium of your choice (e.g., Zoom presentation live or pre-recorded, slide deck with recordings).
More detail on the specific organisation and context and requirements, will be provided in a separate document made available on the unit site. For the context given:
- Begin with an assessment of the organisation and its business goals, and particularly identify areas which could be improved upon by your recommended marketing technology architecture.
- Using a MarTech architecture framework and principles discussed throughout the unit, provide specific recommendations around each technology area with regards to the suitability of the technology and its integration in the organisations MarTech stack.
- The architecture must be carefully and clearly explained and evaluated, and the recommendations must be justified.
- Depending on the information you have available in the context, you can focus on broad recommendations, or you could make recommendations on the acquisition, ongoing usage, development, better utilization, and/or termination of specific technologies. If available, you may be able to discuss their existing (legacy) MarTech architecture as a starting point for this project.
- Consider the financial implications of the recommendations and possible alternatives. For example, if you are recommending a purchase or subscription of a new software service, then you must justify the additional cost.
Marketing requirements: this assignment requires students to think carefully across the nature of its customers (segmentation, targeting and positioning), touchpoints at different stages of the customer buying process, its brand strategy, and the marketing activities that it needs to focus on.
Learning Outcomes
This task allows you to demonstrate your achievement towards the Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) which have been aligned to the Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs). Deakin GLOs describe the knowledge and capabilities graduates acquire and can demonstrate on completion of their course. This assessment task is an important tool in determining your achievement of the ULOs. If you do not demonstrate achievement of the ULOs you will not be successful in this unit. You are advised to familiarise yourself with these ULOs and GLOs as they will inform you on what you are expected to demonstrate for successful completion of this unit.
The learning outcomes that are aligned to this assessment task are:
Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO) | Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) |
ULO 1: Identify the marketing technology specifications/architecture that best match the needs of a marketing?organisation and communicate these to stakeholders |
GLO1: Discipline knowledge and capabilities???? GLO2: Communication |
ULO 2: Explain the marketing data requirements that?? guide marketing decisions and that optimise customer interactions with?marketing organisations |
GLO1: Discipline knowledge and capabilities???? GLO2: Communication |
ULO 3: Evaluate?MarTech?solutions for a broad?range of marketing activities and devise, recommend and justify an optimal?solution | GLO4: Critical thinking |
ULO4: Analyse the basic regulatory requirements in the?MarTech?landscape and determine how they relate to consumer consent,?privacy,?and ethical firm behaviour | GLO8: Global citizenship |