Models of Various Elements in the Multi-Source Power System assessment
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The following research objectives are finalized on the basis of research gap and limitations of the previous research.
1. A study of mathematical models of single and multi area power system models.
2. Design of PID and FOPID for LFC of isolated and Multi -area power system models.
3. Design of Internal Model Control (IMC) schemes for LFC.
4. Soft computing techniques like Fuzzy, Neuro - Fuzzy etc. will be used to design novel controllers for LFC of power system models.
5. Performance comparison of all proposed controllers will be done graphically and analytically.
The proposed LFC and EV control system are also integrated with the sto ditions and characteristics of renewable energy sources to demonstrate the and superiority of the proposed work.
The remaining parts of the paper are organized as follows: the modeling of t multi-source multi-area power systems is presented in Section 2. Section 3 p new proposed cascaded TID-FOPIDN controller and the control design me The simulation results and the performance comparison are detailed in Sect conclusion of the paper is made in Section 5.
Models of Various Elements in the Multi-Source Power System
1. The Case Study
The selected case study includes two interconnected power systems wit sources in each area, including a reheating thermal plant, hydro power plan plant. The participation of an EV is considered in both areas to regulate the Aldditionally, renewable energy is considered in both areas with their depende ambient conditions of solar irradiance, wind speed, and temperature. The va electric loads is considered as a disturbance in each area. The representation elements in both areas is detailed in Figure 1. It can be seen that there are mo three generating plants in each area. Additionally, each area has its frequency c control the power generation of different units. Another controller is added in e control the injected power from EVs and to participate in the frequency regulat area. Tables 1 and 2 summarize the different model parameters of the existing e each area as in [36-38].
Figure 1. Model of a multi-area system with multi-source units including RESS and EVs
The nonlinearities of components represent an important factor in desi testing the effectiveness of the proposed controllers. The physical constraints ofstations are taken into consideration in the studied system, including the gene constraint (GRC) and governor dead band (GDB) of the thermal units, with th increasing and decreasing rates set at 10% pu/min (0.0017 pu.MW/s). Additi GRC constraints are considered for the hydro power plant with increasing and rates is 270 percent pu/min (0.045 pu.MW/s) and 360 percent pu/min (0.06 p respectively. A linearized version of the GDB can be used in terms of the chan rate of change in speed [36]. Based on Fourier series, the transfer function mod with 0.5 percent backlash is obtained as follows:
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