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NIT2201 IT Profession and Ethics Presentation

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Added on: 2023-05-11 04:54:12
Order Code: clt287869
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Presentation instructions

You are to give an oral presentation to the class. The presentation will be about your investigation into an ethical article you have chosen from a list of articles provided to you at VU Collaborate (in the Presentation slides folder), and applying the following Learning Outcomes of this unit to that article:

LO 1. Demonstrate an understanding of codes of ethics in Information and Communication Technology;
LO 3. Critically discuss social, ethical and privacy issues in Information and Communication Technology domains
LO 5. Communicate effectively on a range of social, ethical and privacy issues

You need to work out how 1. relates to the article so that you are able to present about the application of ACS and ACM codes of ethics (covered previously in the unit) to that article. What principles or points of these codes can explain ethical issues or problems in that particular article?

You need to work out how 3. relates to the article so that you are able to present about the social issues and/or ethical issues and/or privacy issues of that article. What are the details about the particular social and/or ethical and/or privacy issues of that article?

Lastly, how do you communicate in an appropriate, relevant and useful way about the social and/or ethical and/or privacy issues of that article (i.e., how do you fulfill 5.)? Since communication here is in the form of an oral presentation to an audience, how will you use the medium of a presentation to communicate effectively about the contents of your PowerPoint slides?

You are provided with a set of articles at the Presentation slides folder at Dropbox. A table contains the titles of the articles and the URLs where they are located. You use the URLs to access and read those articles and work out which one you would like to study and present about. Ensure that the maximum limit of three students has not been reached for that particular article, otherwise you will not be able to present about it and will have to choose another article for which the maximum limit has not yet been reached. The purpose is to have a good spread and coverage of the articles presented in the last week of the block. You will present only one article.

When you have decided which particular article you want to present, return to the table to verify that maximum limit of three students for that article has not been reached. If the maximum limit has not been reached already, email the VU Sydney lecturer (do not email the Unit Convenor as he is not involved in your presentations in Sydney and your email will be ignored) to inform him that this is the article you wish to present. The VU Sydney lecturer will reply to state whether you can proceed with the article (as the maximum limit has not been reached) or to find another article. Please do not provide a set of articles in an order of preference, but only one article that you truly are interested in presenting.

In your email, also state a period of time on Tuesday, 23 May or Wednesday, 24 May, when you prefer to present. Do not state a specific point in time, for instance, 4pm on Tuesday. Instead, you could state that the period of time you prefer to present is between 3:30pm and 9:30pm on that day. The lecturer will do his best to accommodate your preference and eventually allocate your presentation time exactly somewhere within that period. The Schedule of presentations section below states the dates and times when presentations will occur.

Therefore, the two points in your email to the VU Sydney lecturer are:

  1. Article you have chosen
  2. Preferred period of time to present

Content of presentation

You will write a set of slides using Microsoft PowerPoint to cover the three learning outcomes. You will need to work out what you will write in your slides based on your understanding of the article and the application of Learning Outcomes 1 and 3. You will determine the exact set of bullet points you put in your slides. However, a structure for the overall presentation is given below.

You will need to work out what your bullet points will be (if there are any sub-bullet points), what headings you will use, what slide background/layout for the design of the slides, etc.

Do not copy any text, images, etc. from the article to include in your slides. Your slide content should be all written in your own words. If any copying of content from resources were to occur, which it should not, this content will lead to deduction of marks depending on how much has been copied. You should totally avoid insertion of logos or other images of organizations in your slides, as clearly you do not have permission to use them (after all, this is an ethics unit where such a practice goes against the point of this unit). Inclusion of images will not increase marks so there is no need to insert images into slides.

Ensure that the last slide in your set of slides is a references slide. This references slide shows all the references you used, even if it is only the article you used. To format references for your slide, use any predefined, formal referencing system that you wish: APA, Harvard, Oxford, IEEE, ACM, etc. Do not invent your own referencing system but apply such a recognised and accepted system.

You should therefore use the following structure for your set of slides:

  1. Title slide. Show your name, student ID and a title for your presentation. You should think of a title for your presentation that reflects the article. Titles should not be those like Presentation on article, etc. as they do not reflect the case you are covering. Do not use the title on the web resource(s) as your presentation title.
  2. Content slide. This will show what you are covering in the presentation. You have seen content slides used in the sessions of the unit these can be an example to you of what you could show in this slide. Ensure to expand verbally on the points shown in this slide; this is your opportunity to interest us strongly in your presentation.
  3. Slides covering article and LO1. and LO3. You will write as many slides as you need, whilst accounting for the time limit of 10 minutes for your entire presentation. In other words, this number of slides is variable across students it depends on how many slides you think you need to explain the article and associated matters.
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 11th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 385

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  • Journals
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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more