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NU3373 Patchwork Portfolio Guidance Assignment

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Whole portfolio summary

It is flexible in how you do each patch and also how you compile the two parts together. Each patch guidance is a guide to help you meet the leaming outcomes. Being a very inclusive approach, it will really play to your strengths and you will be able to work in ways that you enjoy, whether that's essays, presentations, diagrams, posters, recordings, video's etc. Plus, it will hopefully be an interesting, engaging and enjoyable piece of work.

If you don't fully meet a learning outcome in one patch but meet it well in that part then you pass as it's assessed as a part.

Putting the portfolio together

You can put the portfolio together how you wish, we'd recommend using Word, PowerPoint, Sway or Padlet. If using Word, you can use different fonts, sizes, colours, pictures, backgrounds etc. Be creative as long as we can read it and it has structure. You will do a very brief introduction to each part and a conclusion. The introduction would just be to introduce your work, mention the leaming outcomes, not listing them just referring to relevant bits of them, like when introducing an essay, you may reference NMC for confidentiality etc. You do not need to define what a patchwork portfolio it. Keep intro brief, a few lines/ small paragraph.

Any SPLD forms will go at the start. You can include titles/ subheadings and put patch 1, 2 etc. Reference pictures if they are from google images etc.. you can find free pictures online too which you can use (Sway uses these anyway) and not reference, this is much easier. Or take your own pictures. You don't need to include an abstract, you've not enough words. You could include a contents page, not included in your word count, this would be good if you're using word to put together your portfolio. You can anonymise all submissions. There is a full guide for how to submit the portfolio whether choosing Padlet, Word, Sway or Powerpoint, which is in the Submission guidance and portals folder in the 'Assignments folder on Blackboard. There is also extra guidance and videos on using Sway. If using Sway please make sure you put the link at the top of the word document as shown in the guidance. If doing a Padlet do not include your name in the link/ padlet name.

Part 2 Learning outcomes 1 and 4

Patch 4

Project implementation plan with justification, consideration of barriers and leading change 2500 words


Patch 4 is the implementation and rationale. You'll propose a plan for how you would implement your idea. It is flexible how you do this plan, there isn't a set template. You may choose to follow a change management model/ framework/ approach/ theory and your plan will be included as part of this. You will use change management theory references and other evidence to support your justification discussion. You can include timeframes, may do a Gantt chart etc. but don't have to, time frames will be estimates. Think about what needs to happen for your plan to be in place, what steps are needed to implement your idea, in what order. You could do a force field analysis or logic model to support your work, which you would make reference to in the justification discussion, you do not have to do all of these. If you do a SWOT this should be referenced and detailed. Anything included in the patch counts in the words.


The justification/ rationale/ discussion, is where you'll pick up on why you've included the points in it and why in that order, making links to change management theory frameworks/ models, you may be structuring your work using one, make sure you make reference to others. Say why you've chosen the one you have as opposed to others. You will pick out any pertinent bits. Is there a step that is really important, why, what does the evidence base say about this etc. So for example you may have included a step about communicating with the staff team initially to gain their feedback on the proposed idea. Change management theories talk about the importance of getting feedback and involving the staff teams in any changes etc. The justification bit is the why, why have you included the steps, why in that order, why in steps not all at once- because it's important to make changes in certain orders, as change management frameworks talk about. What things are important to consider in the planning?


You also need to consider the importance of leadership in managing change. You may consider the importance of leadership skills, leadership styles in managing change. This can come at any point you feel works in your discussions

Barriers/ obstacles

You need to think about barriers/ obstacles to your project. You don't have to talk about all of them pick the main ones. You may look at some of the weaknesses and threats in a SWOT and how you can overcome them. You could consider these areas:

  • Think about your innovation implementation and the environment you are introducing your project to. Can you identify potential barriers? Using evidence to support your critical discussion
  • Link to your project.
  • What change management frameworks may help you to consider this?
  • How can you plan to overcome the barriers? Please explore the change management and leadership module materials.


Patch 4 guidance can't be too prescriptive as you have all chosen different ideas, there isn't a template for the plan, it's up to you how you present it. You can structure it however you like, as long as we can see there is a plan LO1 and you're picking out important points which are underpinned by evidence to show analysis. You can talk about any models/frameworks/ theory, you can make reference to a few where appropriate, give a rationale for why you've considered them. Pick one you prefer, some can be complicated, so pick one you feel comfortable with.

Patch 5

Peer review

1000 words

For patch 5 you will do the following-

  1. Do a self-assessment, you may wish to use the peer review form on
  2. Have a discussion with a peer
  3. The peer completes the peer review form blackboard
  4. Write/record/ present etc, your critical discussion on your experiences

Your peer should be another student nurse or a nurse. If you are doing it with each other be a critical friend for each other and offer constructive feedback.

You should not share your work, you discuss it.

Your discussion is the word count. Include your peer review form in an appendix.

Your discussion will look at these areas-

  1. What was your experience of peer review?
  2. What have you learned?
  3. Explore the feedback offered- areas of strength and areas for development
  4. What are some of the changes you will/ have made from doing the review?

You will talk about your experience of peer review and what you learned, think about the feedback you got and any changes you have made. You can link to NMC proficiencies, references on peer review, getting feedback, leaming from feedback etc. Compare your experiences with what is written about, is it the same/ different etc. You may say you leamed this..... and this is an important skill for a nurse... or I found peer review this is a common experience... etc. So weave in references to your experiences, compare what you have found with the evidence base, that's the theory practice links. Underpin your work with references. There are some great ones on the guidance.

Patch 6

Your Independent learning journey- including leadership and professional development planning 1500 words

This patch is all about critically reflecting on your independent learning journey. This needs to be different from your practice reflection, you can self-plagiarise.

You can use Gibbs or another reflective model. If using a reflective model, this could be your structure, you can use the subheadings. There's no set word count for each section in depend on what you talk about. Focus on the analysis, so you've not too much description. Make sure you use references to support your discussions and show level 6 study. You may wish to complete a SWOT on yourself and refer to this.

You may think about some of these areas, it is up to you, it is your reflection, each leaming journey is unique-

  • Your independent leaming journey whilst undertaking the course (and/ or module)
  • Reflect on your experiences on placement and your leaming from them
  • How have you developed personally and professionally?
  • How have your leadership skills developed?
  • What has your experience been of leading?
  • What has impacted on your journey on the course?
  • How are you working towards being a newly qualified nurse?
  • Important points from your personal SWOT

You can make links to situations on placement and your course. Think about where you came from and where you are now. You can talk about your joumey through the course and/ or module and you working towards being a newly qualified nurse, In all these things you can link to your journey through the course, you could pick out things on the course that have impacted on your journey through the module or towards being a nurse etc.

You can share your thoughts and then compare with evidence, is your experiencel are your experiences similar to what others have experienced. So for a very rough example you may say how in doing your course you found leadership was an important skill that you leamed, and leadership is vital as a newly qualified nurse, then support this with references. You could make links to NMC, think about what's in your plan and what the NMC proficiencies are of future nurses. Look at the platforms and annexes. You might say something like-1 found which is consistent with Jones (2020) who consider Conversely this is in contrast to Shaw (2020) who found I'll depend on what comes up in your reflections, you could have a nosy at how other people in studies have found anything you've experienced. There's loads of stuff about nursing students experiences of university study placements etc. that you could reference.

Professional development planning

Your development action plan is about your future developmental needs as a nurse, that you've identified from completing the above reflections. You could put your action plan in a table if wanted ke-action, how to meet, by when, support needed etc. but you can do it as a narrative. If using Gibbs this could be the action plan section. There is no set template, it is up to you how you would like to plan your development. Make links to NMC and other references Make sure you have a watch of the specific patch guidance and the MAGS recordings. All in your assignments folder on Blackboard.

Please post any questions on the discussion boards.


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  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : July 28th, 2023
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  • Views : 177

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