PHM 526 Designing Research Paper
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Unit Description
How can we tell if published research really answers the question it says it does? How do you turn a problem into a research question or hypothesis? And how do you choose the best design to collect information that will answer the question or provide evidence to support or not support a hypothesis? This unit introduces students to research design in health and a range of other disciplines. Students will learn about the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of research and how to critically appraise research literature. Students will learn the steps in developing a research question or hypothesis and gain an understanding of the application and limitations of a range of research designs used in quantitative, qualitative and mixed method approaches.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this unit a student should be able to:
- Examine the philosophical foundations of different research traditions.
- Critically appraise research literature.
- Formulate a research question and/or hypothesis.
- Justify appropriate research designs that will enable data to be collected in accordance with specific research questions and/or research hypotheses
Teaching and Learning Strategies
This unit is delivered both externally and internally. Students will learn by: reading and viewing the online learning resources provided; participating in lectures and tutorials (face-to-face and online); and fulfilling the assessment tasks for this unit. Students need to: read, view and consider the learning material for each topic; explore wider reading and draw on this when engaging in critical discussion with lecturers and fellow students during face-to-face sessions, online discussions and in completing assessment tasks. The learning schedule provides an overview of the structure of the unit on a week by-week basis.
A (non-assessed) online chat forum is available for informal discussions. There are also self-assessed online quizzes, PowerPoint presentations and a glossary provided in the unit to help students consolidate their learning.