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Plan And Evaluation Sketches Report

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Added on: 2023-06-03 12:35:45
Order Code: 490867
Question Task Id: 0

Your task is toproduce a schematic design for your sitebased on the information you have gathered and on the principles and methods you have learned during the course. The client is a national scale developer who is considering purchasing the site for development. Imagine you have to explain your ideas for the site to the client in the sense of telling themwhat are the opportunities and constraints and how these affect what can be constructed on the site. Instead of explaining in person you should use awritten commentary to explain your drawings. One important aim of exercise is to advise the client by explaining how the design will meet the standards required by the council, building code, market and client aims. So when you write speak as if to the client. Dont use phrases like clients need to but rather say the developer (or even you) needs to consider.

You should be aware of and take into account:

  1. site constraints
  2. planning policy
  3. market opportunities
  4. constructability
  5. the building code including fire considerations
  6. sustainability concerns
  7. construction costs and technical issues

The first three points should be briefly summarised as these have already been covered in your previous two reports. Treat these as background which can be dealt with in no more than a page.

The emphasis in this report should be on points 4-7. However dont feel you have to follow this list as a structure for your report. Its important to design the building on the basis of your previous HBU analysis and then to think about what relevant information you need to explain to the client to convince them that this is a good design that meets their requirements, will make a profit, is safe and meets all required legal standards. You also need to explain to the client how the building will be constructed, bearing in mind its scale, height, location and surroundings.

You need to make it clear to the client what the nature of the building development will be in respect of quality and finishes. What issues does the site present in terms of constructability (access, transportation, storage and materials, positioning of cranes etc.) What aspects of fire safety and other Building Code concerns are likely to impact on the design both externally and internally? How sustainable will the building be? Are you recommending high specifications in terms of energy and water efficiency? If so why are you making these recommendations and what will the cost implications be? Overall does the client have any choice about the standard of build in respect of all these above factors and what are the implications of increasing or reducing standards in terms of the contract cost and the final development value?

Your scheme should include plan and elevation sketches and any other detailed graphics which help explain the design. This report should have graphics and text and be no more than 2000 words in length.

As with previous HBU reports, a clear report structure is important with an introduction, sub headings and clear recommendations to the client at the end.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : June 03rd, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 229

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