Prepare detailed designs of civil steel structures
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Your Task Write answers
The assessor can decide whether to have this as written or oral questioning. If the assessor uses the verbal questioning method, the assessor must write student responses using dot points as a minimum on the student's key responses relevant to the question (Not recommended as it is a time-consuming method as one candidate will respond while other candidates are watching and waiting, but assessor is free to decide).
The following is a set of knowledge-based questions. Read the text section introduction in the learner workbook, refer to the training undertaken and provide your answer solutions to the following questions using your own words to demonstrate your consistent knowledge application.
Note: If handwritten answers are allowed by the assessor considering reasonable adjustments or any special consideration, you need to use the enter key of the keyboard to expand the answer space. For example, 2 3 questions on a page to allow sufficient space, print a hard copy and write answers.
Questions (Ensure you answer all the following questions using the length guidelines above)
Knowledge Assessment (Written Tasks)
Assume failure will occur by bending, not by shear.
- Provide examples where steel is used for infrastructure
- What are stringers?
- A simply supported non-composite beam is to span 10 m and support a concrete slab. Friction between the slab and top flange will provide continuous lateral support to the whole of the top (compression) flange. The steel beam is to be designed for a factored design load of 1.2G + 1.5Q = 40 kN/m including its own self-weight. Select a suitable UB section in Grade 300 steel.
- from tables of section modulus.
- from AISC moment capacity tables.
- What does the continuous design of a steel structure refer to?
- What is a conceptual design?
- What is a document management system?
- What does design verification refer to?
- What is the purpose of a design review?
- Identify each of the suspension bridge types shown below:
- Why is it important to have a good mix of skills in a design review panel?
- What does a Public Utility Plant (PUP) show?
- What does the schematic design stage entail, including management roles and deliverables?
- List three verification methods.
- What is shown in the following diagram?
- Why are designer listening skills a critical skill in receiving stakeholder feedback?
- What does design validation entail?
- What purpose do universal beams serve?
- What is a dead load?
- List the steps in the design process.
- When are bracings required for rolled beam or plate girder bridges?
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