PSYC3001 Advanced Psychological Measurement Assignment
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Task 1. Reflection based on topics in Week 1 (approximately 400 words)
Reflect on your own science learning experiences. Respond to the following questions:
How did your experience as a science learner help you to understand what science is, and how science should be taught (in primary schools or early childhood centres)?
I was oblivious of the broad scope of what science entails for the duration of my primary school career. It was frequently incorporated within a larger topic with a strong focus on mathematics or a more general subject, or the activity I had to do didn't seem particularly scientific at the time.
For instance, I recall participating in a class activity called "watch the water rise," which involved filling a dish with water so that it covered the bottom, putting food colouring in the water, lighting a candle in the middle of the dish, quickly covering the flame with an empty glass, and then watching as the water rose into the glass. I did not realise at the time this was science due to it relating to weather.
In secondary school, chemistry, biology, physics, and environmental science were taught separately. As I developed, my vocabulary grew to include experiments, evaluations, theories, and hypotheses. I also learned all the terminology, how to utilise the materials properly, and how to wear the proper personal protection equipment (PPE). I started to understand how mathematics was incorporated into science as it became more difficult and challenging. In primary schools, science can be taught in a variety of methods because it goes beyond simple experiments. Students will be able to grasp how to learn science throughout their education if science is taught in accordance with other courses.
What is your current attitude toward science teaching and how your attitude may influence the possible way of your science teaching in the future.
My future Science lessons will contain some practical experiments but more importantly, activities which nourish wonder, encourage questioning and enable children to understand more about the world they live in.
Task 2. Investigate a science concept and design a learning activity to teach the
concept biology focused (approximately 400 words)
Why does grass generally not grow very well under trees (identify at least two possible reasons)?
Youtube video discussing grass?
Research and describe a Level 5-6 activity that could be used to explore and understand the different environmental conditions that affect the growth of plants.
Level 5 The growth and survival of living things are affected by the physical conditions of their environment (VCSSU075)
Task 3. Investigate a science concept and design a learning activity to teach the concept physics focused (approximately 400 words)
Watch the video below:
What background scientific concepts (about force and movement) might you, as a teacher, need to be familiar with before using this video in your class? Briefly explain the concepts involved. Explain whether you feel this is a genuine video, and why.
There could be multiple concepts involved in explaining this phenomenon. Choose one concept involved and describe a teaching activity that could help the students better understand the chosen concept.
Learning intention
Success criteria
Warm up activity Watch What Causes Tides
Main idea activity
Task 4. Investigate a science concept and design a learning activity to teach the concept Astronomy focused (approximately 400 words)
Why do we feel warm in Summer and cold in Winter?
At some point, the temperature will vary in every region of the world. In Victoria, especially in the south, there are all four seasons, which includes a scorching summer, an autumn with chilly mornings, a wet and freezing winter, and a green, rainy, and sunny spring. This is a result of the earth's tilted axis, where it rests, and some locations where the sun's beams are more direct. For instance, summer occurs when the northern hemisphere is farther from the sun than it is when the north pole is inclined towards it. It's a frequent misconception that summer only lasts until the summer solstice, when the sun is closest to the earth and consequently hotter. The earth revolves on an axis that runs from top to bottom, and because this axis does not pass directly through the earth, it causes the seasons that we observe.
Research and describe an activity that could be used to explore and understand the cause of seasons.
Learning intention
Success criteria
Warm up activity
Main idea activity
Youtube Video The reason for seasons
Experiment Tree Activity
Task 5. Reflection based on topics in the first 5 weeks (approximately 400 words)
Reflect on the first five weeks of study in this course. what new pedagogical understandings have you developed and how are you going to bring them into your own science lesson planning? Your reflection should cover at least one concept from the list:
Alternative conceptions (misconception) Fair testing
Inquiry-based learning (e.g.,the 5E Model ) Concept cartoons
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