diff_months: 22

Redesigning linguistic landscapes Assessment

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Added on: 2023-05-10 06:48:27
Order Code: //fb
Question Task Id: 0

Your brief for Assessment 1 is to write a project brief that includes a set of recommendations for redesigning thelinguistic landscape(visual, linguistic, aural and oral) of a setting where language(s) and literacy/ies are key issues. You will need to think about the existing language use in this setting, how existing language uses shape the existing linguistic landscape and the changes needed to redesign the linguistic landscape to achieve a specific objective (e.g. to increase plurilingual behaviours) in this setting.


  1. Visit your chosen setting a public place where you are likely to hear/see or sense languages in addition to English.
  2. Walk around the place multiple times (once every few days). Take 3-4 pictures during each walk through this locale.
  3. Write a diary entry about how you visualize this locale in each walk and why you chose those images.
  4. Supplement your observations with commentary from the literature in the field that you are reading to help you draw connections between the locale and the literature.
  5. Think about how gender and power come into play into this landscape.
  6. Think about how temporarily affects this place.
  7. Think about how activities and people affect this sense of place.
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 10th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 186

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