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Role of Customer Service in Success of Business -Report

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Added on: 2023-05-22 09:05:07
Order Code: 490373
Question Task Id: 0

You have agreed two contrasting businesses with your teacher. You are in a customer service role with one of these businesses and your line manager has asked you to carry out some research on how effective customer service contributes to business success. T

ask 1 Write a report containing the following information:

1. A definition of customer service

2. For your two chosen businesses, explain the following for each contrasting role:

  • Specific skills and/or knowledge required
  • Approaches to interacting with the customer

3. Using examples where possible, define the following types of customer and explain the importance of dealing effectively with them: ? Internal and external customers ? Customers with special requirements

4. In relation to one of your chosen businesses, discuss the following ? Customer needs and expectations ? Exceeding customer expectations ? Dealing with customer complaints

5. Provide examples of how at least one of your chosen businesses adheres to relevant current legislation and regulation. Analyse how this could impact on the customer service provision.

6. Research the different methods businesses can use to monitor its customers and make improvements to the customer service provision You should finish your report with an overall evaluation to your line manager of the benefits of providing excellent customer service.

Checklist of evidence required

A report Criteria covered by this task: Unit/Criteria reference

To achieve the criteria, you must show that you are able to: 14/B.D2 Evaluate the benefits of improvement to customer service performance for the business, the customer and the employee.

14/A.D1 Evaluate the importance for a selected business of providing excellent customer service and adhering to relevant current legislation and regulations. 14/B.M2 Analyse different methods of monitoring customer service for a product or service in a selected business.

14/A.M1 Analyse how legislation and regulation impacts on customer service provision in a selected business.

14/B.P3 Research methods a business can use to make improvements to the customer service provision.

14/A.P2 Examine ways that customer service in a selected business can meet the expectations and satisfaction of customers and adhere to relevant current legislation and regulations.

14/A.P1 Describe the different approaches to customer service delivery in contrasting businesses.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 22nd, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 395

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