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SCS 200 Cyber Security Assessment

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Added on: 2023-04-05 04:09:34
Order Code: 488345
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Overview: Throughout the first six modules, you have been guided through your work on Project Two (a presentation), which you will continue to work on inModules Seven and Eight and will formally submit to your instructor at the end of Module Eight. This assignment provides you with an important opportunity toget valuableinstructor feedback onthe progressyouaremakingandtoensureyouareonthe righttrackfor yourlatersubmission.

Prompt: Throughout the first six modules, you have explored why the social science issue you selected in Project One (a research investigation) is of interest toyou personally, and you have begun to reflect on how your research related to your issues has changed your perspective on the topic. Specifically, in thisassignment,youwillsubmit theProject Two elementslistedbelowforreviewbyyour instructor.

In Module Four: Performing the Research Investigation (Continued), learning block 4-2 (page 1) and learning block 4-3 (page 3); and Module Five: TailoringtheMessagetoanAudience,learningblock5-3(page3),youcompletedthe followingwork:

  1. Provide a brief overview identifying how the social sciences previously examined your selected issue. Include which social science disciplines havepreviouslybeen usedtoresearchor explainyour issue.

InModuleFive:TailoringtheMessagetoanAudience, learningblock 5-2(page3),youcompletedthefollowingwork:

  1. Explain how the issue impacts the audience. In other words, how is the issue relevant to members of the audience? Why should the audience care abouttheresponsetoyourquestionortheoutcomeofyourinvestigation?Supportyourresponse withspecificexamplesfromyourresearch

InModuleSix:TailoringtheMessagetoanAudience(Continued),learningblock6-1(page4),youcontributedto thefollowingprompt:

  • Describe the evidence you have to support your conclusions about the impact of the issue on you personally and on your audience. Support yourresponsewithspecificexamples fromyour research


  1. Explainwhythisissue isimportanttoyou personally.Inotherwords,why didyouselectthisissueto investigate?

InModuleThree:PerformingtheResearchInvestigation,learningblock3-4(page1),youcontributedtothe followingprompt:

  1. Illustrate how your investigation of the issue impacted the way you thought about the issue. In other words, how did thinking like a scientist to researchand develop a question affect what you thought about the issue you selected? How did social scientific thinking change the lens through which youviewedtheissue? Supportyour response with specificexamples fromyourresearch

In Module Five: Tailoring the Message to an Audience, learning block 5-2 (page 3), learning block 5-3 (page 3), and learning block 6-1 (page 4), you beganworkingonthefollowingsectionoftheprompt:

  1. Communicateyourmessageinaway thatistailoredto yourspecific audience.Forinstance,youcouldconsider yourvocabulary,youraudiences

potentialcurrentnaturalscience knowledgeor lack thereof,andwhatisspecifically importantto theaudience.

In Module Six: Tailoring the Message to an Audience (Continued), learning block 6-3 (page 4), you were prompted to create two visual slides using PowerPointand accompanying speaker notes. These slides can be used to address any of the sections detailed above and should include visuals with proper citations, wherenecessary.

Note that the numbering included above directly aligns with the numbering of these elements as they are presented in the Project Two Guidelines and Rubricdocument.


Guidelines for Submission: Your presentation progress check submission will include two sections: a two-slide portion of your presentation, submitted usingPowerPoint, and a written document submitted in Microsoft Word. In your Word document, be sure to format with double spacing, 12-point Times New Romanfont,andone-inchmargins.Citations shouldbeformattedaccordingtoAPA style.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 05th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 280

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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more