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Shoulder Range of Motion: A Key Component of Upper Body Functionality Assessment

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Added on: 2023-05-29 07:14:08
Order Code: 490620
Question Task Id: 0

Short Descriptiont:

Shoulder range of motion is crucial for optimal upper body functionality as it involves a complex interplay of muscles, bones, and joints. Limitations in shoulder mobility can impact daily activities, athletic performance, as well as overall health and quality of life. Understanding the anatomy and mechanics of the shoulder joint is important for effective assessment and treatment plans for individuals with shoulder mobility limitations. An integrated approach that considers various factors affecting shoulder mobility can promote optimal shoulder health and function.

Tentetive Timeline:

Week 1: Research and gather information on the importance of shoulder range of motion for upper body functionality.

Week 2: Study the different types of assessments for shoulder range of motionand how to evaluate the strength, flexibility/mobility, and stability of the surrounding muscles and joints.

Week 3: Explore the development of individualized exercise programs for improving shoulder range of motion, emphasizing the importance of incorporating stretching, strengthening, and mobility exercises.

Week 4: Investigate the different types of stretching techniques for improving shoulder range of motion, including dynamic stretching, active stretching, passive stretching, and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) stretching.

Week 5: Study the different types of strengthening exercises for the shoulder and their importance in improving range of motion,including resistance band exercises, dumbbell exercises, and bodyweight exercises.

Week 6: Research the various mobility exercises for the shoulderand their role in improving shoulder range of motion,including shoulder dislocations, scapular push-ups, and wall slides. Summarize the importance of promoting regular physical activity and proper posture/form in shoulder healthand provide tips and recommendations for maintaining good posture and form.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 29th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 437

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