Social Work with Adults Assignment Guidance
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United Kingdom
Case study Assignment
Using the case study critically discuss the following:
- Using relevant legislation and policy, explain what courses of action (interventions) you would take in working with Suki and Amarjit to ensure they are safeguarded and have their needs met.
- Detail any assessments you would make and place them within a legislative and policy context.
- Outline the skills and approach that you would need when applying legislation to ensure entitlements are met and rights are promoted.
- Consider the impact on Suki and Amarjit of the interventions you would use.
In your assignment:
- Ensure that you refer to values and anti-oppressive practice
- Ensure you consider issues of risk, consent, capacity, and personalization.
Case Study
Suki is a 70-year-old woman living alone in a bungalow, part of a scheme for older adults. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's 6 months ago. Suki has some mobility problems and walks with a mobility aid. She has no other equipment in the home. Her daughter Amarjit lives nearby and supports Suki with laundry, food shopping, and cleaning her home. Suki goes out with her daughter once a week. She also provides emotional support to Suki.
Suki's GP refers her to the local adult social care team due to concerns regarding her health. Suki has been losing weight and has a number of bruises on her arms. Suki is unable to recall the cause of the bruising. The GP referral also states that Suki smells of urine and has food stains on her clothing. She attended the GP surgery alone. Her daughter, Amarjit has contacted the surgery stating that she is struggling to support Suki and has been feeling depressed.
The Police have also made a referral as Suki was found the previous evening outside in her dressing gown and slippers at 11 pm. Police reported that she appeared confused so they took her home and contacted Amarjit to advise that they had found her outside. You meet with Suki and she states that she is eating well, she does not feel that she has lost any weight, although agrees that her clothing looks bigger. She also advises that she gets tired of Amarjit coming in daily and telling her what to do. Suki states that she never has any money as Amarjit spends it all.