Sociology Assignment
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United Kingdom
Section A: Family
1.Family life is constantly changing due to reasons such as the ageing population, secularisation and the diverse roles of men and women. Some people are choosing not to get married or live in a family at all, preferring alternatives instead. For some individuals this may be due to the dark side of family life.
(a) What is meant by the term secularisation?
(b) Describe two examples of the dark side of family life.
(c) Explain how females are gaining more power in the family.
(d) Explain why an ageing population is likely to affect family life.
(e) To what extent is marriage threatened by alternatives to the family?
Section B: Education
2.Sociologists believe that education benefits some groups in society more than others. Experiences of education can depend upon the hidden curriculum, home factors and the type of school attended. For example, norms and values in a faith school may be very different to those in a comprehensive school. However, in all types of schools some students still form anti-school sub-cultures.
(a) What is meant by the term faith schools?
(b) Describe two characteristics of anti-school sub-cultures.
(c) Explain how home factors can affect a pupils experience of school.
(d) Explain why education can benefit those with power.
(e)To what extent is the hidden curriculum the most important part of an individuals education?
Section C: Crime, deviance and social control
3.Agencies of social control all try to create conformity in society. Despite this, crime and deviance still occur in many forms such as burglary, murder and corporate crime. Crime rates are produced by the police, courts and government to understand trends in offending and to help find solutions to crime. However, many sociologists believe that the official measurements of crime are not very accurate.
(a) What is meant by the term conformity?
(b) Describe two examples of corporate crime.
(c) Explain how informal agencies of social control can prevent crime.
(d) Explain why official measurements of crime may not always be accurate.
(e)To what extent is gender the most important factor in determining whether an individual commits crime?
Section D: Media
4.Societies and cultures are changing rapidly and it is in the media that the biggest changes are occurring. New media is very different to traditional media. New media is believed to be interactive and free from control and bias. However, all media including the internet, broadcasting and the film industry provides the audience with information and entertainment. The media also socialises and educates individuals.
(a) What is meant by the term broadcasting?
(b) Describe two ways young people are living in a media culture.
(c) Explain how new media is interactive.
(d) Explain why the media is an important agency of socialisation.
(e) To what extent is the media free from control and bias?
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