Strategic Operations Management - Management Assignment Help
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Assignment Task
- Open with a problem statement
- Develop a practical rationale
- Develop a theoretical rationale
- Present a research question
- State how the remainder of the essay will be structured (3 or 4 literature streams to address your research question).
- 3 or 4 literature streams (topics) each around 1,200 1,600 words in length (depending on number).
- State what is known
- State how it is known
- Highlight the limitations of the current research
- End the main body with a conceptual framework.
- To summarise, this assignment is a literature review.
- What is required is a critical overview of the literature that relates to your chosen topic.
- Literature = peer reviewed academic journals, conference proceedings and edited book chapters.
- A literature review should focus on the leading edge of a topic. This means that your sources should mostly be recent.
- You will be expected to cite a lot of sources (40 70).
- A literature review is all about structure.
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