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TAEDES402 Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs assessment

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Assessment task 1 – Short-answer questions


This assessment task requires you to answer a series of questions related to this topic.

Decision-making rules

To achieve a satisfactory result, you must answer all questions correctly, and the answers must include the number of examples stated in the question.  Your answers should be of one-to-two sentences in length at minimum, unless otherwise specified.


1A. Explain the role that Registered Training Organisations play in the Australian Vocational Education and Training system

1B. Explain the role that Industry Reference Committees play in the Australian Vocational Education and Training system

1C. Explain the role that Skills Service Organisations play in the Australian Vocational Education and Training system

2A. What is the purpose of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) guideline?

2B. What is the website from which the AQF can be downloaded?

2C. Summarise the following characteristics of the ten Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualification levels. (The first level has been completed for you.)  Where an AQF level has several associated qualifications, list only one example qualification.

3. List and explain the five dimensions of competency.

4A. Describe the following endorsed components of training packages

  • Qualifications
  • Competency standards
  • Assessment guidelines

4B. Which one of the following statements is true about non-endorsed components of a training package?

  • Non-endorsed components include resources to support learning and assessment such as assessment materials, learning strategies and professional development materials developed by the SSO.
  • Non-endorsed components include the Competency Standards, the Assessment Guidelines and the Qualifications Framework.

5. What role do training packages and accredited courses play in the VET system?

6A. Which one of the following statements is true about contextualising units of competency?

  • You can add industry specific terminology and examples to make content relevant to your audience 
  • You can remove the content of an element or performance criteria if not relevant to your audience
  • You can remove the content of a performance evidence item if not relevant to your audience

6B. Which of the following statements is true about contextualising a qualification?

  • When selecting units from a qualification’s packaging rules to deliver, you:
  • Select all core and some elective units. Select any core and elective units relevant to your audience’s particular needs

7. Explain the following terms as they are used in training packages and accredited courses: 

  • What are the meanings of the fields in the unit code TAEDES402
  • Pre-requisites
  • Core units
  • Elective units
  • Packaging rules

8. What is the URL of the website you would use to access information on training packages, qualifications and competency standards?

9. Describe the following components as applicable to the NEW FORMAT of competency standards:

  • Unit code and title
  • Application
  • Elements
  • Performance criteria
  • Knowledge evidence
  • Performance evidence
  • Assessment conditions

10A. Which one of the following statements is false about accredited qualifications, courses, and units? 

  • Accredited courses address skill requirements for industry, enterprises, and the community where these are not covered in nationally endorsed training packages. 
  • An accredited qualification, course or unit can be considered an “orphan” since it is not listed in a training package.
  • An accredited unit of competency is the same thing as a nationally recognised unit of competency

10B. An accredited course is nationally recognised. What does this actually mean? 

10C. Who ‘owns’ accredited courses?

  • The Commonwealth government
  • The individual or organisation, whose contact details are listed on the national register.
  • Training.gov.au

10D. Who can deliver an accredited course?

  • Anyone
  • All RTOs
  • RTOs that own the course or have permission from the course owner to deliver the accredited course
  • RTOs that have the accredited course on their VET scope of registration.

10E. True or false – an accredited course can be a standalone course, individual units or a qualification, as long as they are accredited as meeting the Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2021

Assessment task 2 – Analyse CLIENT NEEDS


Step 1 – Meet and analyse your client’s needs

You must analyse the training requirements of two clients and, for each, select a qualification (including elective units) to address their needs.  The first client is described in the case study provided in section 3.3.  The second client may be any real client or simulated scenario of your choosing which has a clear need for training to address a skills gap.  You may use a training need from your own organisation or another organisation of your choice.  

At least one of your meetings must be observed by a qualified assessor: 

  • If you are attending a Plenty Training class you must first hold a meeting with your trainer or assessor (who will role-play the part of the client) to consult and negotiate to confirm the client’s needs, and your trainer will participate directly with you and complete the assessment checklist in section 3.2.1.  
  • If you are not attending a Plenty Training class, you must hold a meeting with the client/person role playing your client and: 
    • Record the video of your meeting and provide a copy of (or a link to) the video with your workbook submission; or
    • Have your meeting observed by another qualified assessor in your workplace who possesses either: 
      • The TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training; or 
      • The TAE50116 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training; or 
      • The TAE50211 Diploma of Training Design and Development; or 
      • The TAE50216 Diploma of Training Design and Development; or 
      • A higher-level qualification in adult education.  

If this option is selected, you must provide a copy of the assessor’s testamur with this workbook and the assessor must complete both the assessment checklist in section 3.2.1 and the statutory declaration in section 3.2.2.

Step 2 – Research training options and make recommendations

You must then determine how you intend to address the clients’ training needs using training packages and qualifications as the basis for the training solutions.  You must record your analysis using the templates provided in sections 3.4 and 3.5. 

Each client analysis must:

  1. Summarise the training and assessment needs of the client. 
  2. Outline possible training package and qualification solutions, and the recommended solution that would most likely address the clients’ needs.  Your recommendation must represent the optimal solution to the client requirements.
  3. Read and interpret the qualification framework and packaging rules of the identified qualification.
  4. Outline any pre-requisites needed for undertaking the qualification.
  5. Identify the elective units of competency that are best able to meet the client’s needs. 
  6. Explain why the identified elective units are best able to meet the client’s needs.
  7. Use information from the training package, the training package author, and the client, to outline how each elective unit will be contextualised and adapted to the client’s needs.
  8. Analyse and interpret all parts of each unit to:
    • Ensure its applicability to your client’s needs.  
    • Determine suitable assessment methods. (Be sure to review all assessment information in the training package and within each unit.)
    • List any special assessment conditions within each unit.
    • Provide an outline of the assessment approach and methodologies to the client. 
  9. Outline how you will address any special requirements such as links between the units, licensing requirements, or other requirements of the client or students have.

Decision-making rules

To achieve a satisfactory result, you must accurately complete the two client analysis documents that address each of the points listed in the instructions section above. 

You must also hold a meeting with a client as outlined in the instructions above (in class this will be your trainer) - your assessor of this meeting will be looking for your ability to:

  • Consult and negotiate to confirm client needs – including all of the following techniques:
    • Seek and share views and relevant information,
    • Listen to concerns and raise concerns,
    • Identify and track needs and expectations,
    • Identify and track perceptions and attitudes,
    • Consider what others say and give them a reasonable opportunity to contribute to the decision-making process,
    • Provide feedback on specific planned actions, and
    • Evaluate implementation and action.
  • Use appropriate communication techniques to provide and elicit information, confirm understanding and communicate conclusions – including all of the following:
    • Use open questioning techniques to elicit information, and
    • Apply the “seven C’s” of communication:
      • Completeness: The communication must be complete. It should convey all facts required by the audience. 
      • Conciseness: Conciseness means wordiness, i.e., communicating what you want to convey in least possible words without forgoing the other C’s of communication. 
      • Consideration: Consideration implies “stepping into the shoes of others”. Effective communication must take the audience into consideration, i.e., the audience’s viewpoints, background, mind-set, education level, etc. 
      • Clarity: Clarity implies emphasising on a specific message or goal at a time, rather than trying to achieve too much at once. 
      • Concreteness: Concrete communication implies being particular and clear rather than fuzzy and general. Concreteness strengthens the confidence. 
      • Courtesy: Courtesy in message implies the message should show the sender’s expression as well as should respect the receiver. The sender of the message should be sincerely polite, judicious, reflective and enthusiastic. 
      • Correctness: Correctness in communication implies that there are no grammatical errors in communication.

Case study for client analysis

Plenty Community Services is a medium sized community services provider servicing city and regional areas of Australia. In recent years they have had several new premises open with new teams having been created, and new managers appointed. 

In most instances the new managers were recruited from internal positions, with a small number being sourced externally. For most of the internal appointments, candidates were selected based on their previous role performance, not due to their current or potential management experience.

Despite these newly appointed managers having little experience, skills, and knowledge in management, Plenty Community Services has under-invested in the training of its management team. Recently the results of this under-investment are beginning to show with several issues being brought to the attention of senior management, including: 

  • Managers not role modelling appropriate behaviours and showing minimal leadership skills.
  • Managers using overly autocratic management styles with staff surveys recording decreases in motivation and moral.
  • Poor operational planning, including execution of operational plans, with an ad-hoc and reactive culture in most teams.
  • Poor communication with both staff and senior management.
  • Some managers demonstrating behaviours that are at odds with the organisation’s values and standards of conduct.
  • The learning and development needs of the teams are largely unaddressed, with professional development plans almost non-existent.
  • The performance management system is used by managers to discipline rather than develop staff.
  • Additionally, senior management would like to see managers undertaking the following tasks:
  • Making presentations to the leadership team on their team’s financial performance each quarter.
  • Participate in tender writing for new business.
  • Promote diversity to help meet the organisation’s new diversity targets.

Plenty Community Services senior management has approached you to research a nationally recognised qualification that addresses the above issues. They tell you that they would like the course to be assessed, with some assessment activities to be integrated into actual workplace tasks. 

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  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : February 02nd, 2023
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  • Views : 173

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