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The Impact Of Alcohol And Other Drugs On Mental Health Assessment

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Task 4: Part B

4. Discussion on consumers with drug and alcohol issues and their families, challenging discrimination, minimising stigma

Quality assurance evaluation is a repeated process that is based on identifying health delivery quality problems. This process refers to data collection on quality assessment through predetermined criteria and standards. Quality assurance evaluation refers to the development and testing process. The five principles of evaluation address integrity, systematic inquiry, respect for People, and equity. It also helps to justify professional actions. Here quality assurance addresses various types of challenges and issues like human error, manufacturers issues, enhancement, systematic and security improvement, food safety analysis, and requirements (Oscar-Berman et al. 2019). Toxicology evaluation and testing is the drug safety analysis method. Through these evaluations, the NCE administration ensures the lowest risk that identifies the greatest certainty with adverse drug effects.

People with Drug and Alcohol addiction faced health issues like cancer, stroke, heart decoder, lung cancer, and mental health disorder. Not even their families are also facing those kinds of illnesses genetically or coincidentally because of their negligence. Quality assurance helps to build their confidence and achieve their goals. It focuses on consumer enhancement, error manufacturing, and improvements. They also focus on their food safety and drinking non-alcoholic drinks, avoiding drinking with friends, and not buying any kinds of Drugs. The long-term outcomes of the assessment focus on the impacts of Comorbidities on educational achievement, occupation, level of functioning, and social relationships. By applying those quality assurance evaluations they easily figure out those challenges with proper solutions (Mbuli 2022). This helps to positively influence their own goals, and motivation, CBT, family support, and non-confrontational approaches will be very helpful for them. Patients suffering from alcohol problems, drug addiction, anxiety, and depression should focus on the treatment of alcohol first. Through these processes, practitioners teach them how to use languages properly and how to talk with families, relatives, and friends. It's all included in their ability treatment services.

5. Explaining the range of assessments, management, psycho-therapeutic interventions, and referrals applied to consumers with dual diagnosis

Psycho-therapeutic interventions are basically interesting techniques or physiological treatments for addicted Patients. This is actually an evidence-based substance. In drug and alcohol cases this therapy is used for the recovery phase. Through this therapy, they easily heal those disorders. These therapies included contingency management or CM, cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT, motivational interviewing and enhancement, and lastly brief intervention. People with alcohol dependence or psychotic disorder and drug addiction should be open about their problems. Patients suffering from alcohol problems, drug addiction, anxiety, and depression should focus on the treatment of alcohol first. By applying those techniques they influenced and motivated people. Positive influences, motivation, CBT, family support, and non-confrontational approaches will be very helpful for them. Properly structured settings can offer some benefits for patients suffering from alcoholism and drugs. Another challenge that can be taken to cure comorbid and alcoholic conditions is impulse control disorder.

Alcoholic abuse and several other substances like crack cocaine, opiates, and even nicotine are involved in dual diagnosis. Dual diagnosis can be defined as alcohol dependency and also includes more than one other different psychiatric Comorbidity. The long-term outcomes of the assessment focus on the impacts of Comorbidities on educational achievement, occupation, level of functioning, and social relationships.

Quality assurance evaluation refers to the development and testing process. The five principles of evaluation address integrity, systematic inquiry, respect for People, and equity. It also helps to justify professional actions. Quality assurance evaluation is a repeated process that is based on identifying health delivery quality problems. Quality assurance helps to build their confidence and achieve their goals. It focuses on consumer enhancement, error manufacturing, and improvements. The long-term outcomes of assessment focus on the impacts of evaluation and quality assurance of care and systematic outcomes measurement of drug and alcohol-addicted people and their addiction curing.

6. Applying the knowledge of assessments and use of therapies and pharmacological and non-pharmacological management in the context of dual diagnosis

Alcoholic abuse and several other substances like crack cocaine, opiates, and even nicotine are involved in dual diagnosis. Dual diagnosis can be defined as alcohol dependency and also includes more than one other different psychiatric Comorbidity. The long-term outcomes of the assessment focus on the impacts of Comorbidities on educational achievement, occupation, level of functioning, and social relationships. Dual diagnosis therapies refer to the treatment of patients for mental illness and substance use disorders to stop those effects. Integrated intervention is the best therapy for dual diagnosis (ur Rehman et al 2020). When victim consumers receive proper treatments with care for their substance abuse and mental illness, they automatically recover their conditions. Dual diagnosis is based on several therapies for the recovery phase, including medication therapy, behavioral therapy, support therapy, or care therapy. Behavioral therapy is based on behavior to treat them better for their co-occurring disorders.

A complex clinical entity is alcohol and drug dependency. Pharmacological management is consoling those addicted peoples and helps to heal their psychiatric disorders. In that case, they are providing people's physiatrist meditation treatment for their mental healing and their peaceful mindset. This management is giving patients different kinds of treatment for different cases. Mentally traumatized and depressed patients need antidepressants, and mood swings patients need mood-stabilizer treatments, they are also healing those patients through antipsychotics and other treatments. The effectiveness of these therapy addicted people is widely investigated with the most controversial result.

Non-Pharmacological diagnosis based on formal physiological therapy. This therapy included various different kinds of treatments like CBT or cognitive behavioural therapy, optimal body weight maintaining therapy or psychosocial therapy, family intervention therapy, rehabilitation therapy, and other things (Blackman et al 2021). Three types of Non-Pharmacological therapy are used in diagnosis that is music therapy or MT, validation therapy or VT, and reminiscences therapy or RT. These therapies are basically used for diagnosing patient intervention through decreasing anxiety, depression, fear, frustration, and stress, and reducing pain.

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  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : August 21st, 2023
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  • Views : 92

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