diff_months: 28

Produce three sequential lesson plans that could be taught in a sequence to a Grade 5 or 6 classroom

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Added on: 2022-10-08 10:21:37
Order Code: 468690
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Rationale:This task requires students to produce three sequential lesson plans that could be taught in a sequence to a Grade 5 or 6 classroom. The focus of the lesson sequence will be on one (or more) aspects of Statistics or Probability, but you will also link to a Measurement or Number curriculum statement. Within the three lesson plans, there must be an explicit teaching activity, an ICT activity, and a non-ICT game

(This task relates to the objectives, S1, S2, S3, S4, S6, K2, K3, A1, & A2. and AITSL standards 2.1, 2.2,3.2, & 3.4)

Lesson Plans

This task requires students to develop three sequential lesson plans. This means three lessons for the same group of students run over a few days, which flow on from each other, developing the mathematical concept. These learning activities aim to teachnew concepts tothe class's Grade 5 or 6 students, not just practice concepts.

These three lesson plans focus on the three learning activities described below, and other activities should be described briefly. One of each of the types of learning activities must be included within the sequence, not necessarily each lesson.

A lesson planning template will be provided and must be used for each of your lesson plans.

Details of Task:In this assignment, you will write three sequential lesson plans that include:

  • An overall introduction for the lesson sequence (including summary table).
  • Victorian Curriculum F-10 statements that relate to the activities. Include the curriculum level, statements, and codes.
  • Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for each lesson. These will be written in language the students will understand.
  • Description of at least three specific learning activities incorporated into the sequence of lessons (one explicit teaching, one ICT activity, and a non-ICT game). Further information is given below on what the activities must be.
  • Although the lessons are aimed at Grades 5 and 6, you also need to differentiate the learning activities to cater to a range of students.
  • The use of manipulatives and hands-on activities is highly encouraged.
  • Learning by remembering formulas is discouraged. Please teach your children the concepts, not just the rules.
  • Assessment which relates to the success criteria and curriculum statements. How will you know if the students have learned the mathematical concepts? Include a record-keeping strategy.
  • Please get your ideas from academic journals and course textbooks, not Pinterest or random Blogs.

Your lesson plans must include the following:

Introduction.(Approximately 250 words.) An explanation of the lesson plans. Point out the main features of the lesson plans, and how they are set up and flow together. Complete this table as part of the introduction.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3





  1. Explicit teaching:Describe how you will develop the mathematical concepts and the questions that you would ask the group to gain an understanding of their current skill level. Please include copies of any board notes, posters, a script of what you will say, and possible responses from the students. Explain how you would teach the students the skills that you want them to learn, you may include manipulatives. Showing a video is not a suitable explicit teaching activity, although it may be used as an engagement activity. Carefully explain the activity you would use to ensure the learning has occurred. No worksheets with many similar questions. You may have instruction sheets and record sheets, but no repetitive worksheets. A hands-on task with manipulatives is encouraged.
  2. ICT Activity:Design an ICT activity relating to the main mathematical concept. Screenshots of the ICT activity must be included, as with all instructions and links.
  3. Game:Design a game that fits with the topic and year level chosen. This game cannot use ICT but could be an adaptation of a game that students might already know. The game should encourage student learning of a mathematical concept, and is to be created by you, the PST. Photos of boards, instructions, cards, or scoresheets must be submitted with the rest assignment.

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  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : October 08th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 275

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