To analyse factors affecting organisational performance of a health organisation and to devise strategic actions.
2,400 words and up to 20 references max. In-text citations are included in your word count, but your reference list is not. A consistent referencing style must be used throughout.
Assessment objective: To analyse factors affecting organisational performance of a health organisation and to devise strategic actions.
Your role: You have been asked to analyse the factors affecting organisational performance; to develop recommendations for change; to outline a high-level change roadmap based on Kotters Eight Steps of Organisational Change (Kotter 1995, Kotter et al 2021); and conduct a self-appraisal of your analysis. The organisation you select must have a publicly available strategic plan or organisational strategy.
The audience for your report: The senior executives, CEO, or board of the organisation. N.B. this is the audience you should write the report for, it is not required that you share your assessment with the organisation.
Format and length
A structured report analysing a real-world organisation, and a self-appraisal.
You must follow the mandatory sub-headings and section word limits outlined in the task description below.
Up to 2,400 words in total, excluding the reference list. In-text citations are included in your word count, but your reference list is not.
Include a maximum of twenty references, including a reference to the organisations strategic plan or organisational strategy. Vancouver or APA referencing style must be used consistently throughout.
Task description
You have been asked to analyse the operating environment for a health organisation and develop four detailed recommendations and a change roadmap. Your report must focus on a real-world health organisation with a publicly available strategic plan or organisational strategy. Draw on your insights from Assessment 1 to complete this report.
The report and self-appraisal must use the following sub-headings and sections:
- Organisational description and operating environment (400 words)
Description of the organisation, and analysis of the environment within which the organisation operates, and within which change needs to occur. - Most important opportunities and threats (600 words)
Description of the most important strategic opportunities and threats for the organisation, with justifi