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UFCFB3-30-1 Web Programming Assignment

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Section 1: Overview of Assessment

In addition to generally supporting your learning on this module, this assignment assesses the following module learning outcomes (taken from the module specification):

  • Identify and define common Internet/WWW concepts
  • Understand, select and use a range of relevant web technologies to facilitate the development of basic websites
  • Understand and use web servers efficiently and securely to host small websites
  • Create relatively complex SQL databases and use websites to interface with these databases
  • Consider human factors such as accessibility requirements when designing websites
  • Work individually or as a team member to reflect on the development process of a small website

The assessment is designed to allow you to play to your strengths and to use the expertise within your group to gain the best possible mark. You will find that you need to do a number of different tasks, individually as well consider group working conditions, to write code and prepare demo to present them to your tutors.

You are expected to form a group of up to Three (03) students. You can make your own student groups and get it approved by your tutor. The objective is to work in teams, divide your workload and deliver required output as a team. This will help you to work in a collaborative development environment. All students in a group are expected to contribute equally to gain good marks. A good practice is to plan your project, divide it into tasks with soft deadlines, assign specific role to each group member at the start and keep a log of weekly activities and progress made. Group members will self-organise meetings. You can define roles and responsibilities for each student in your group. As a good practice all group members should define team charter/contract very early on in the project. For example, group members will share their progress and issues faced and solutions found with group on daily basis and meet at least twice a week to discuss tasks completed and planning for next tasks. You should seek help of your tutors as early as possible and before deadlines if disputes or problems arise. You can always seek advice and/or interim verbal feedback from your tutors during practical sessions.

Each member of the group will submit final and complete website. You should submit all source code (e.g., your website project folder /flask project folder) plus relevant Database dump (e.g. generated by uwamp). For demo and group presentation you should provide PowerPoint slides and working software. See deliverables section for more details.

In brief, group members will design and implement a small web application for H4U fitness Management System (HFMS) and document the development process. You are required,

individually, to select one (or more) HFMS components and then design and implement a web application for the selected option. Please record the process, use of web technologies, legal, ethical, social, professional aspects (LESP) and testing of the web application for presentation. Finally, you are asked as a group to integrate individual HFMS components so that a user should be able to use various options/components of the HFMS. Please be concise and provide examples in your presentation. Please be mindful of selecting appropriate working scenarios for the demonstration. The website developers may use Atom, Sublime or notepad++ text editors to create python, JavaScript, CSS, HTML etc. but, NOT any other web development tools such as bootstrap. All the Python programs must use version Python3.5 or above.

Section 2: Task Specification

Website Development- H4U fitness Management System (HFMS)

You will need to design a responsive, an attractive, functional and LESP compliant web system. The MoSCoW method is used to show prioritization of requirements: Must (M), Should (S), Could (C) and Would (W) type of requirements. Please note that all MUST requirements are critical for the successful project delivery. Missing one MUST requirement may result in failure of the project and marks will be deducted from other requirements.

Your group must design and build an integrated web system for the given system brief. H4U fitness Management System (HFMS) deals with many user functionalities such as Admin, Member, trainer and information desk. You are required to build a website for any one of this user functionality

The assignment comprises three parts with the following marks:

Part 1 H4U fitness Management System (HFMS) Reflection

  • Use up to three slides to reflect and explain how you would plan and integrate different components to fulfil part 1 group requirements. You may consider:
    • Explain what will be your plan to complete group work? Here, you may consider: how will you start group work and divide responsibilities? What problems could you face? and how will you resolve group conflicts? How will you handle code sharing, integration, and testing?
    • Explain how your group will implement each group requirement? (20%) assessed by Tutor

This part comprises of following group requirements (GR):

GR1: All individual components are integrated (e.g. one main webpage to move to each user functions think creatively. [M]

GR2: Every user should be assigned a username and password by the administrator to login and use the system. The website should show the options of adding new trainers, members and receptionist. [S]

GR3: All components should use a common/shared database. [C]

Bonus requirements are added to enhance creativity by allowing students to implement features of their own choice. They also allow students to gain higher marks. Group bonus requirements are:

GR - Bonus Requirement 1: System should be able to generate various reports think creatively. For instance, member daily workout report, profile report of all members and, profile report of all trainers etc.

GR - Bonus Requirement 2: As a group you should implement one interesting feature to HFMS that is not covered in the above group requirements think creatively.

Part 2 Individual HFMS Development and Demo

Quality of individual component functionality and look & feel assessed from website demo and standard inputs from a case study including any Legal, Ethical, Social and Professional Issues (LESPI) determined by the Tutor. A mid-term review will be performed to see individual component design and plan to integrate it with other components of the website. (60%) assessed by Tutor Review

HFMS specifications comprises of following individual requirements (IR):

Your website must have the Member and their trainer management components. Also it is must to develop the components 1 and 2 (Member and their trainer management) and you have a choice to choose one component from the remaining 3 components, so make sure you choose the components accordingly.

1- Member Management

2- Trainer Management

3- Equipment Maintenance

4- Diet Plan Management

5- member attendance management.

1- Member Management

Add members basic information e.g. civil ID, name, height, weight, Age and place of work with unique member ID members profile must be added through web site [M]

All member details must be stored in a Database. [M]

Website should also allow editing and deleting members from the system. [S]

Website should display list of all members with their stored data for reporting purpose. [C]

Website would have a functionality of searching specific member by member ID. [W]

Bonus Task:

The Website should send news and progress to members on their registered email address.

2-Trainer Management

Trainer management should provide facility to add trainer with list of members under this trainer. You must design and develop Database to store trainers and corresponding members under their training. [M]

Website must enable admin staff to add, delete and edit trainer details [M]

Website should have rules set for allocation i.e., one trainer should not be allocated with more than 5 members. [S]

Website should display all the information related to trainer and their allocated member details [C]

Trainers would be able to view equipments available in fitness [W]

Bonus Task:

Website would provide trainer to add workout plans and send to members email

3- Equipment Maintenance

This component deals with the list of equipment in fitness centre.

Add equipments basic information e.g. name, type, make in country, price, purpose (to weight loss, to athletes, to seniors) and trainer in charge must be added through web site [M]

Website must enable admin staff to add, delete and edit equipment details [M].

The website should generate a report of list of all equipment in fitness centre with its purpose. The report should show classes, faculty members, rooms, and time of class. [S]

Trainers could be able to view all equipments with all details [C]

Website would generate report on list of equipments based on its purpose [W]

Bonus Task:

Website should have an option to display all equipments with its image and trainer in charge in a separate page.

4-Diet Plan Management

This component of the website facilitates trainers and members to maintain and follow their diet plans.

Website must provide trainer and admin to add different diet plans without redundancy. [M] Website must provide members to search and choose their diet plans. [M]

Website should also update diet plans in members profile. [S]

Website could also provide detail report of diet plan by each member [C] Website would allow members to change their plan with profile update. [W] Bonus Task:

Trainer should have an option of sending message to member about new diet plans.

5- Member Daily Report Management

This component incorporates the functionality of daily report management which enables trainer to add member daily report. Admin staff is responsible for adding trainer against each memberWebsite must provide admin staff an option to add trainers. [M]

Website must provide trainers to generate members daily report based on their workout plans [M]

Website should have the option for trainers to create workout plans to member. [S] Website could allow trainers to edit members daily report [C]

Website would allow trainer to get list of all members with daily report. [W]

Bonus Task:

Website would allow trainer to give feedback to members based on their report.

Part 3 Individual presentation

Quality of individual presentation (PowerPoint) by the individual member of the group during Peer/Tutor review containing maximum 10 slides with following requirements:

  • Describing, explaining and justifying with suitable examples how and why each key web technology (i.e., HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python flask, MySQL and any other technology) has been used. Highlight if you have used any advanced technologies or new features. Give (2 slides maximum)
  • Take one slide to explain how did your setup different technologies for hosting the website and project demo. This can be done by depicting the architecture of your overall system (i.e. web server, network/Internet communication, client/server side programs, database ) in the context of WWW/Internet.
  • Use one slide to present and explain your database design and related security aspects covered by your website.
  • Use two PowerPoint slides which individual component from part 2 is Here please reflect and explain problems did your encounter to complete individual requirements and what solution was adopted and why?
  • Please use one slide to reflect on any Legal, Ethical, Social and Professional Issues (LESPI) covered in your group (20%) assessed by Tutor Review

There is a lot of scope for adventurous teams to improve functional (as detailed above and others e.g. web security (secure login for members and admins, encrypted data exchange, avoiding SQL injection, etc.), data validation on both client and server side, data exchange using AJAX and visualise data by using dynamic charts for reports, notifications to members, login and logout options, linking with social media, etc. you will need to be selective in what you include! You may always discuss your bonus feature with your tutors.

Section 3: Deliverables

You must use the GCET Moodle to submit your work. Each student will have to upload complete package individually. Electronically submitted deliverables include:

  1. PowerPoint presentation to reflect on the group work for part
  2. An individual web system for part 2, with source code in ZIP file (using e.g., 7Zip). This should contain all the files and folders for the full working website. All programme files must have group ID and student name who has written the
  3. Relevant Database (e.g. MySQL or Maria DB or MongoDB) dump for part
  4. A presentation in MS PowerPoint for part 3 (if you are working in Linux these slides can be in PDF format).
  5. PowerPoint presentation/slides which you prepared in part

You should compress all above into one zip file and will submit via GCET Moodle. The naming standard of the zip file is WP1234567.zip where 1234567 is the UWE ID of a member of the group.

Section 4: Deadlines

You are expected to plan your workload to avoid being impacted upon by a minor illness or other cause. However, there is normally a late submission window of five calendar days following the original hand-in deadline (25-12-2022) during which you can submit your assignment without penalty if you experience a problem meaning that you cannot meet the deadline.

An assignment cannot be submitted after the late submission window has ended. Failure to submit the assignment within the late submission window will result in a non-submission being recorded.

For more details about late submission window , follow this link https://www.uwe.ac.uk/study/academic-information/personal-circumstances/late-submission- window

Section 4: Marks Distribution and Marking Criteria

In common with all UWE standard undergraduate assignments, the pass mark for this assignment is 40%. The detailed marking criteria for this portfolio is detailed in Appendix-A. To simplify it, the marks breakdown is as follows:

Part 1 Health Fitness Management System Development and Reflection (20%).

Part 2 Individual Health Fitness Management System Development and Demo 60% Part 3 Individual presentation (20%)

You should carefully look at the marking criteria to see how marks will be awarded to different elements of the work.

Every student who is part of a group undertaking an assignment or other piece of assessed group work is required to take, and will be deemed to have taken, individual as well as joint responsibility for all the work submitted by the group. In particular, this includes individual as well as group responsibility for any assessment offence committed, whether by the student or any other student in the group. Any penalty applied in the event of an assessment offence will normally be applied to all members of the group.

Section 5: Feedback mechanisms

There will be opportunity for you to get formative interim verbal feedbacks either through mid- term review or during teaching or practical sessions; Detailed summative written feedback will be provided via email.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : December 21st, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 258

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