UK's approach towards tackling fraud Essay
Critically analyzing the UK's approach towards tackling fraud in 3 themes-
- the role of the serious fraud office,
- the Covid-19 pandemic,
- cybercrime.
It needs to be done followingOSCOLA Referencing style along with footnotes.Use a wide range of sources to inform and support the content of your essay.
Use appropriate cases or examples to illustrate and evidence your points. - Your assessment should be written in the style of an essay, rather than a literature review.
The essay questions require you to provide a critical analysis relating to fraud.You should aim to identify strengths and weaknesses in the legislation and/or case law, as well as the impact of the law in practice.
- An essay should present an effective argument, which clearly answers the assessment question.
- An essay should follow a clear and logical structure make sure your essay contains a distinct introduction, main body, and conclusion.
- Make the most of the word count (remember to untick the include footnotes option on the Word Count dialogue box).