Write a Program That Prints Polynomial Format Input
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The first line contains a single integer N.
Next N lines contain two integers Pi, Ci separated with space, where Pi denotes power and Ci denotes the coefficient of Pi. Output
Print the polynomial in the format Cix^Pi + Ci-1x^Pi-1 + .... + C1x + C0, where Pi's are powers in decreasing order, Ci is the coefficient, and C0 is constant. There will be space before and after the plus or minus sign.
If the coefficient is zero, then don't print the term.
If the term with the highest degree is negative, the term should represent -Cix^Pi.
For the term where power is 1, represent it as C1x instead of C1x^1.
If the polynomial degree is zero and the constant term is also zero, then print 0 to represent the polynomial.
For the term Cix^Pi, if the coefficient of the term Ci is 1, print x^Pi instead of 1x^Pi.Explanation
<If N = 4
For power 0, the coefficient is 5
For power 1, the coefficient is 0
For power 2, the coefficient is 10
For power 3, the coefficient is 6.
Then polynomial represents "6x^3 + 10x^2 + 5"
Explain the code, please
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