diff_months: 22

Write a report as network manager of the SISTC

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Added on: 2022-12-21 07:22:48
Order Code: 481742
Question Task Id: 0


The SISTC recently had gone through a partial renovation. The school has 4 floors. According to the new layout, the ground floor has a reception room with 6 desks and a lecture hall. The first floor has a computer cluster with 40 PCs, a computer laboratory with 30 workstations with computer facility, a lecture hall and five staff offices. The second floor has two research laboratories for research and post-doctoral researchers. This floor had 8 staff offices and a conference room. All workstations need two data points to get connected to the internet.

Each floor also requires wireless connectivity to enable the staff and students to get connected to the internet. SISTC requires new LAN architecture for these floors.

Imagine you are the network manager of the school and required to write a report with the flowing section:

1. An introduction section to describe the background and outline the report. 94 SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY & COMMERCE

2. To discuss interoperability issues for seamless connectivity to each floor, draw OSI layered architecture, discuss the OSI model, its history, and the functioning of each layer.

3. Detailed comparison of OSI and TCP/IP models.

4. Explain the protocols working at OSI layers, briefly discuss their functionalities, and identify their standardising bodies

5. This LAN network requires both wired and wireless connectivity. Provide a comparative analysis of the appropriateness of different media types which may be used to enable network connectivity. Discuss different types of media suitable for the above scenario with illustrations. Comparative analysis must be recommended in terms of speed, cost, andSecurity (use table for comparison).

6. A conclusion, summarise the overall contribution.

7. References must follow APA Format.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : December 21st, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 229

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