Aeronautics Science Assignment
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1.What is the scientific study of the motion of a solid object in the air called?
- Aeronautics
- Aerodynamics
- Aviation
- Rocketry
2.When did the study of modern aeronautics start?
- 1788
- 1789
- 1756
- 1781
3.Which of these scientists was not involved in modern aeronautics?
- George Cayley
- Roger Bacon
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Albert Einstein
4.Who is the founder of modern aeronautics?
- Leonardo da Vinci
- George Cayley
- Galili Galileo
- Isaac Newton
5.How many are the main branches of aeronautics?
- 3
- 5
- 4
- 7
6.Which of these is the practice of aeronautics?
- Aeronautical engineering
- Aviation
- Aerospace engineering
- Aeronautical science
7.Which of these is concerned with the design and construction of aircraft?
- Aeronautical science
- Aeronautical engineering
- Aerodynamics
- Aviation
8.Which of these scientific laws is applicable in aeronautical science?
- Newton's law of motion
- Hooke's law
- Ohm's law
- Achimedes' law
9.How many types of forces act on spacecraft?
- 4
- 5
- 7
- 3
10.Which of these forces does not act on spacecraft?
- Propulsiveforce
- Centrifugal force
- Gravitational force
- Aerodynamic lift and drag
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