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Analysis of Lady Lazarus Poem

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Added on: 2022-09-09 13:22:28
Order Code: 460741
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Questions.In Module 1 this semester we went to the heart of poetry, not for the thing that a poem was about, but for its form and features. With detailed reference to ONE of the set poems studied in weeks 2-4 of the subject, consider the ways in which poets shape, mould, cut up, pattern, pare down, or in any other way rearrange everyday language to attain a particularly expressive form and answer the following question:

  • How is the main sentiment or idea of the poem achieved through its form?


  • Journal 1 poem (Night of Terror) cannot be reused for this assessment.
  • You may, if you wish, refer to other module poems in passing, but this first assessment is an exercise in close critical and interpretive reading using only one poem.
  • You must demonstrate you can integrate and interpret quotes from the poem/s or provide specific examples from the poem/s to support your claims.
  • In your response, you must refer to the features of poetry studied in Module 1. These include but are not limited to the use of mnemonic devices (e.g., repetitions, refrains, sonic patterns, and recurring metre and rhyme); or the use of narrative specifically ballad features (e.g., rhyme and metre, dialogue, tragic event, or story); and/or the use of dramatic features (e.g., monologue, irony, use of a persona or artificial I, staged language, and confessional tone).
  • You are not required to use any critical secondary readings but may do so if you wish. Relevant essential critical readings are in the Module 1 Poetry folder on vUWS and/or via the WSU library catalogue.
  • Failure to express yourself clearly, logically, and in your own words will mean an automatic fail for the assessment. (See Presentation criterion below.)
  • Uploaded By : Albert
  • Posted on : September 09th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 243

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