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Added on: 2023-04-06 04:26:49
Order Code: 488437
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This task requires students to select ONE issue presented in Modules 4 to 6 and outlined in the task(obesity,earlychildhoodworkforceortechnology)andwriteapositionpaperonthat issue.


As an early childhood teacher, you will be required to identify and respond to issues that impactupon the early childhood education and care stakeholders, and profession through exploringperspectivesona range ofissuesandpresentingyourownpositionontheseissues.


Drawing on relevant literature, select ONEof the issues outlined below and write a response to eachofthepointsoutlined forthatissue.


  1. Introducetheissueofobesityinearlychildhood
  2. Outline why obesity is an issue for early childhood education and care, who it affects andhow
  3. Critically review obesity as an issue from the various perspectives presented in the literature(thiscould include media articles)
  4. Presentandjustifyyourpositiononobesityasanearlychildhoodteacher
  5. Outlinehowthisissuecouldberesolvedorimprovedinearlychildhood

Earlychildhood workforce(Module5)

  1. Introducetheissueofworkforceinearlychildhoodeducationandcare
  2. Outlinewhoearlychildhoodeducationandcareworkforceissuesaffectandhow
  3. Critically review workforce issues in early childhood from the various perspectives presentedinthe literature(thiscouldinclude mediaarticles)
  4. Present and justify your position on workforce issues within early childhood education andcare
  5. Outline how workforce issues within the early childhood profession could be resolved orimproved

TechnologyUse(Module 4)

  1. Introducetheissueoftechnologyinearlychildhoodeducationandcare
  2. Outline who the issue of technology use in early childhood education and care affects andhow
  3. Critically review technology use as an issue in early childhood education and care from thevariousperspectives presentedinthe literature (thiscouldincludemediaarticles)
  4. Present and justify your position on technology use within early childhood education andcare
  5. Outline how issues with technology use within early childhood education and care could beresolvedorimproved


  1. Remembertoanswereachofthepointsoutlined(atoe)inrelationtothe issueyou
  2. You need to support all areas of your response with relevant literature (unit materials,current literature,publications).
  3. An introduction (outside of the task outline) and conclusion is not needed in your response.Formatting:
  4. Includeacoverpagethat contains:
    • Thetitleofthetaskinbold
    • Yourname(asauthor),
    • Yourfaculty(FacultyofEducation)
    • Theunitcodeandname(TCHR3001EarlyChildhoodMatters)
    • Yourunitassessorsname(KellySimpson)
    • Theduedate
  5. Includeatitleoftheissueyouareresponding toatthestart ofyourpositionpaper
  6. Includeareferencelistonanewpageat theendofyour
  7. Doublelinespaceyourwritingandyourreference
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 06th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 269

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  • Journals
  • Peer-Reviewed Articles
  • Books
  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more