Assurance And Forensic Accounting Role Play Activity
- Subject Code :
In teams of 4 to 5 students (max.) write a script for a role play scenario. The softcopy of the dialog transcription must be submitted via Turnitin no later than end of Week 9 this semester Sept 23rd, 11.59pm. Write your seminar lecturer’s name on the submission. The written submission is assessed, it is required to complete and pass the task. There is NO video or DVD component this semester.
Stages of role play development:
· Identification of a current auditing issue via reference to either:
Kend, M., Leoni, G., Florio, C., and S, Gaia, (2021), EU Audit Reforms: Analysing Different Impacts in the U.K. and Italy, ICAEW London (on Canvas) or
Houghton K.A., C. Jubb, M. Kend and J. Ng, (2010), "The future of audit: Keeping capital markets efficient, Towards A national strategy on the future of auditing", ANU E Press.
· Find an area that needs further research. Consider the auditing research on this topic. Link to pdf version here (available for free): ·
· Create a scenario that helps identify the issue, key characters, and either resolves the issue or proposes a reasonable conclusion. Mention emerging trends, and other research, etc.
· Group members should take on roles (such as): an audit partner, junior auditors, clients (directors or management), lecturer, teacher, reporter, interviewer, etc.
· See the assessment guide/rubric for this task provided on Canvas.
· Write your own dialog, but also use quotes from Houghton et al., (2010) or Kend et al., (2021) if you need to. No more than 50% of the dialog in your script can be from this book.
· The lecturer during class in Weeks 3 to 7 will help each group with verbal feedback on their progress/work, or via email.
· For group assessments, if a student has contributed less than other group members, they might be penalised after consultation, and be awarded a lower mark than the overall group mark.
Submission of the dialog transcriptions (softcopy) to include:
· Cover page with Title, Names of Team Members, Topic.
· Provide an outline of the topic (not just an outline of role play scenes).
· Provide motivation for selecting the topic (why is it important).
· Full transcription of the dialog.
· Page reference quotes from Houghton et al., 2010 or Kend et al., (2021).
· Consider and then write about academic research on the topic. Write about emerging trends in auditing on this topic.
· Write a conclusion, about implications and impact of the issue (must be included).
· Full Bibliography, any style, preferably Harvard. Appendix with journal of each members’ work and contribution (both not counted within the word limit).
· Word limit 3000. Transcr