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Behaviour Management in Mathematics Management Assignment Help

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The aim of this study is to explore and evaluate the impact of classroom based experiences of the work placement. Based on research I found that behaviour management plays an important role in student’s learning; as teachers need to control the classroom, student need to feel safe, supported, making sure effective teaching and learning take place. In this assignment, I will be exploring various behaviour management strategies used within schools as well as what an effective behaviour strategies requires to aid in the progression of student’s learning. Through behaviour management strategies, poor behaviour can be eliminated as student would be more aware of what is expected of them in school and consequences if they misbehave (Tanwar et al 2015). It explains how these strategies can be implemented in my school, findings within the literature and finds possible solutions to overcome the issues that teachers and students faced.

As a PGCE trainee I spent a significant amount of time with Year 9 and 10. During my initial week teaching was with bottom set of Year 9 pupil. I have struggled with managing the behaviour in the class and found these groups of pupils have a lack of motivation and interest in learning mathematics, moving around the class, making noise, some pupils display ` disruption during lesson, talking without permission, not following the instruction and performing the given task. These kinds of behaviours are not only affecting teachers and the child’s learning. On the other hand, pupils who did not have behavioural issues and wanted to learn also affected the class as a whole. As a PGCE trainee I found it extremely difficult to teach and manage classroom behaviour at the same time. Not being able to focus on monitoring the behaviour while delivering the lesson. It made the situation extremely difficult to teach and monitor the behaviour to manage the classroom (Wubbles,et,al 2006).

As a trainee or teacher, we are challenged daily to create and maintain a positive, productive classroom atmosphere conductive for learning. We try to face challenges, find mistakes and possible solutions to implement in the classroom. In my school the behaviour management policy which was based on a consequences system and temporarily moved out of the class by using the time-out option (Fabiano,et al.2004). This approach did not last longbecause students have removed from misbehaving for a short period of time. It leads students to escape from the learning as well avoid facing the challenging task.On the other hand, Patricia-Barbetta argues that these approaches were in-affective to challenge behaviour. For example, when students are off task regularly; they may or may not be off task for the same reasons. It could be different reason. I followed the classroom management policy which includes explanation, detention, reward and praise. As a result, some students completed a small amount of work; class remained calm and showed little improvements during lesson.Another was that a lack of attention in their learning (Perle 2016). As a result, students become less responsive to follow the instructions and increased frequency of warning and time-out option (Lukowiak &Bridges, 2010).The end of the lesson some student’s names are on the board due to the fact that most of the time was spent on reminding the instruction and pushing them to learn. I was advised by my mentor to apply some serious effort towards developing behavioural skill in order teach the class effectively. I mainly focused on disruptive behaviour as well as failed to praise and encouraged students to. I realised that frequently reminding the instruction/punishment leading students having a negative feeling towards me ( CITATION Lew08 l 1033 (Lewis, et al., 2008). The situation was continued and I ended up using discipline measures (Driscoll & Pianta, 2010; Way, 2011).Piaget has stated that teacher’s responsibility to an inclusive environment and has a welcoming atmosphere for all pupils including the needs of pupils, productive lessons, equipment, differentiation, and chances to learn and explore. I was worried and planned to begin teaching this class by explaining the rules and using positive reinforcement such as praise and rewards in order to facilitate good behaviour. Furthermore, I set clear rules and boundaries, being consistent to ensure that pupils feel more comfortable and settled in the classroom.

Bill Rogers (2011) defines that teachers have the ability to manage the behaviour effectively depend on how they can cope with frustration, discipline skills they possess and how confidently utilise these skills when required. On the other hand, Giallo and Little (2003) supports this philosophy by finding that the effectiveness of teacher’s behaviour management skills. Emmer and Everton (1980) agree with the assumption that what happens at the beginning of the year sets the pace for the rest of the year and highlight the importance efficient system for rules and procedures in order to facilitate classroom.In contrast, it can be argue that instead of using teacher’s behaviour management skills, praise and rewards has opposite effect and are most damaging interest on pupils when the task is motivating (Alfie and Kohn). Finding from their study indicate that Indeed, praise for success is easy tasks sends a message that this child must not be very bright. Similarly, “pupils who do good things deserve reward”. What about less successful pupils in the class? As educators, we should think about those pupils who engage in the study, they are not given any feedback. Additionally, it increases the pressure and anxiety on lower ability of pupil (Graham, 1990).Another aspect was found in the study is an assessment which gives us a more complete picture of misbehaviour by including the environmental factors and consequences in its description (Alberto & Troutman, 2003). Furthermore, from my own practice I need to ensure that creating safe and stimulating work environment for pupils such as seating plan, layout of the content and classroom, adequate lightening, ventilation and needs could lead to minimise the misbehaviour and success of the pupils.

Once we determine the function of a misbehaviour ("why" it occurs), we need to teach and reinforce an appropriate behaviour. It does not help pupils to motivate and find interest on the task if they are praised for doing it. I agree with issues above that are relevant for this study as by reviewing the assessment encourage active learning, foster a number of skills for teachers and pupils, develop critical thinking skills and self-awareness and giving pupils inside into the assessment process. I have observed other teacher, this is a way of building a positive relationship with pupils and making sure they are engaged in the task. This has been reinforced by Vygotsky (1962) that’s positive relationship between the pupil and teacher makes them feel safe in the school environment so they feel more comfortable and more likely to contribute and behave.Vygotsky also points out two important implications from his concept. The first implication is instructional model. The effective instruction aimed at a learner’s proximal level of development. He called it “the upper threshold of instruction". Vygotsky suggested, must orient their work “not on yesterday's development in the child but on tomorrow's”. A second implication is that a learner performs collaboratively or with assistance then later they should perform independently.On the other hand, Fisher et al (2014) found another aspect about interactive displays on the wall in which student can contribute and helps aid their learning. I believe that allowing students to contribute can build their self-esteem, confidence and their ideas are being valued minimise the level of disruption in the class. I needed to look for more appropriate methods to manage classroom behavioural issues. I decided to analyse the causes of these behaviours in order to reduce the occurrences by eliminating the contributing factors or events that lead to them (Kern & Clemens, 2006; Parsonson, 2012).

According to research I found that Vygotsky’s instructional teaching method and reinforcement of praise and reward can cause negative experiences towards the subject. It could lead to behaviour problems in the class. The teacher is most effectively dealt with through the process of positive behaviour management techniques. Bill Rogers, Alberto & Troutman’s theory can be one of the most beneficial concepts for a teacher, they can put into place within their classroom. It helps teachers and students to identify important lesson and activity feature, why student misbehave, possible solution and implement useful routines and systems for managing behaviour in the classrooms. Further to this it impacts in my practice as I have learnt to deal with managing behaviour by using variety of strategies and techniques and having reward system in place. This can lead to minimise bad behaviour and student take responsibility for their success where they can feel valued, engage and nurturing behave well in a positive environment.




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  • Uploaded By : KHUSHWANT
  • Posted on : December 06th, 2019
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