Medical Sciences Question Bank Paper

How Does Medical Sciences Question Bank Paper Help Medical Students?

The Medical Sciences Question Bank Paper is a valuable resource that greatly benefits medical students' academic journey. Firstly, it provides a comprehensive and organized set of questions covering various topics within the field of medical sciences. This breadth in the Medical Sciences Question Bank ensures students can practice questions across different subjects, helping them develop a holistic understanding of the curriculum. One significant advantage of using a Medical Sciences Question Paper is its role in aiding students' exam preparation. The paper often includes questions that closely align with the format and style of the actual medical exams. This familiarity helps students build confidence and develop effective strategies for managing time during exams. Moreover, the Medical Sciences questions paper serves as a tool for self-assessment. By regularly practicing with questions from the paper, students can gauge their level of understanding and identify areas that require further study. This self-assessment process through Exam Question Bank is essential for targeted revision, allowing students to focus on strengthening their weaker areas.


Introduction The case study evaluation of Obstetric Ultrasound is about how ultrasound is used to diagnose and handle a certain disease or abnormality that is specific to obstetrics. In this task, students have to develop a case study that include …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : May 27th, 2024
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Question 2 From the report and case clue for Maria, it is evident that she is diagnosed with jaundice and This dysfunction is confirmed with blood test (bilirubin and blood creatinine above the normal range) and ultrasound report. Abdominal ult …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : May 17th, 2024
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Unit Outcomes addressed in this assignment: Investigate different healthcare technologies. Select a health informatics application for the final project. Course Outcome addressed in this assignment: HI595-1: Evaluate technology integ …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : May 09th, 2024
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Assessment Task Instructions Develop a PowerPoint presentation of six slides and using these slides, record a video presentation of 7 – 10 minutes to upload to Panopto. Your presentation will address a contemporary topic relating to the care of …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : May 08th, 2024
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Introduction This proposal will offer a discussion of the health-related violations of human rights of Aboriginal people in Australia who need diabetes treatment and care services. This advocacy plan suggests a complete, integrated strategy to dr …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : May 07th, 2024
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Introduction Healthy eating is significant for achieving good health and it has more significance for the population group of children in any country. In the state of Victoria, it is found that 25 percent of the children fall under the category of …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : April 20th, 2024
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Introduction: The introduction must introduce the article, including proper referencing of the article, and a discussion about why you chose that article to evaluate. Body: In the body of your essay you must: 1. Use the critical appraisa …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : April 19th, 2024
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Assessment task: 1000 words. Read the case study and write four separate,250-word paragraphs with subheadings, to demonstrate your understanding of delivering culturally safe health care. Case Study You are working a shift at an inner-city …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : April 18th, 2024
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Introduction To obtain and interpret information about the physical health status of patients requires you to incorporate many different types of evidence and nursing skills. The ability to assess a person’s health status includes being able to …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : April 11th, 2024
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Tasks Using the given scenario, complete the two tasks below: Identify and explain* three (3) communication barriers that are present in the scenario and describe an appropriate communication technique/strategy to address each communicat …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : April 10th, 2024
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Question 1: The table below shows hypothetical mortality data by age groups in a population at two different periods. Early Period Late Period Age Population No. o …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : April 09th, 2024
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Why am I doing this assessment? This assignment will help you to understand and demonstrate the following unit learning outcomes (ULO): ULO 1Critique best practice principles for leadership and governance in the clinical environment ULO2 D …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : April 09th, 2024
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Why am I doing this assessment? This assignment will help you to understand and demonstrate the following unit learning outcomes (ULO): Examine strategies for implementing evidence-based practice into clinical care. Employ evidence based a …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : April 09th, 2024
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Case Study: Mrs. Anderson's Mastectomy Journey Patient Background: Mrs. Rebecca Anderson, a 48-year-old female, recently discovered she has invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast during a routine mammogram. The mass is at stage 3 but …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : April 06th, 2024
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Assessment 1: Purpose: This assessment enables students to apply knowledge from unit learnings to an issue requiring extended clinical reasoning. The assessment will engage students with the application of theory to practice, and is designed to f …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : April 06th, 2024
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TASK You are required to consider the case study provided on the Interact2 (12) site. The case study has been developed to support assessment tasks one and two (I and 2) in the 202430 session of this subject. In this case study, a patient has o …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : April 06th, 2024
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Question 1 Identify the different reasons people communicate (you must identify at least six) Question 2 Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting (expected 25-100 words) Question 3 Explain the fe …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : April 04th, 2024
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Task: Annotated bibliography of 3 papers on a negotiated and student choice subject related to health and social care which feeds forwards into a literature review summary from the annotated bibliography To start the task:   Make sure you …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : April 04th, 2024
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Case Study: Mrs. Anderson's Mastectomy Journey Patient Background: Mrs. Rebecca Anderson, a 48-year-old female, recently discovered she has invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast during a routine mammogram. The mass is at stage 3 …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : April 03rd, 2024
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Choose from ONE (1) of the following options: Assignment topic choice 1   Amy 13-year-old student enrolled in year 8 Since commencing high school this year, Amy’s academic results have dropped significantly over the past f …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : April 03rd, 2024
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Assignment Title: Develop a health promotion strategyin an area of health promotion of your choiceusing the theory of health promotion. Word count  2,000-2,500 words                       Guidelines Identify a health promotio …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : March 30th, 2024
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Purpose statement Provide a clear purpose statement for your PICOT question with rationales for developing the PICOT question PICOT Question Introduce your PICOT question here, including PICOT question in a sentence, details in each PICOT co …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : March 29th, 2024
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Introductory information: The Nursing Code of Conduct (Principle 3) states “understanding and acknowledging historic factors such as colonisation and its impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health helps inform care” (Nur …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : March 29th, 2024
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Introduction (15 marks, 250 words) Provide an overview of key characteristics of your chosen country such as: Overall burden of disease for the chosen country (e.g prevalence/incidence, morbidity, mortality and life expectancy at birth) Some …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : March 27th, 2024
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Context: The scientific integrity and the credibility of the data from a study depends significantly on the study design. This assignment covers learning related to Epidemiological Study Designs and Measures of Association used in different prima …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : March 27th, 2024
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Title Population group Background (150 words) You should provide a concise background that justifies why this group needs attention, with epidemiological data showing they experience poorer health / health inequalities/ are more at risk of …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : March 23rd, 2024
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Question 1 Research the changes to nursing and pharmacological management for suspected myocardial infarction (MI) over the past twenty years. Have the changes improved patient outcomes? Find a recent (less than 5 years) Australian MI pat …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : March 21st, 2024
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Question 1 Person-centered care is an integrated service of healthcare provided within the care setting in a responsive way to meet the preferences, values, and goals of clients. I feel that it can help in supporting better patient-care provider …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : March 19th, 2024
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Question 1: Describe the process of mRNA transcription, translation, posttranslational modification and secretion of a protein, making reference to the organelles involved. Question 2: Describe how the body maintains homeostasis of blood pH within …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : March 19th, 2024
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Task 1- 700 words a. Explain how principles of support are implemented in health and social care practice. b. Discuss how health and social care values influence care delivery. c. Explain the principles of safeguarding service users. Asse …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : March 18th, 2024
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Assignment Brief: As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Supporting Dignity and Respect through Ethical Principles assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessm …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : March 13th, 2024
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1) Assessment Data Contributing to Diagnosis of Fractured Neck of Femur Maria presents with several key assessment findings that contribute to the diagnosis of a fractured neck of femur: Maria presents with several key assessment findings that con …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : March 12th, 2024
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Topic: Acquiring an intelligent driving simulator for assessing and training individuals with lower extremity impairments to drive vehicles with steering adaptations and utilising the same simulator in a hospital setting. SUBMISSION INSTRUCTION …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : February 28th, 2024
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A 40 years old female patient suffered from right hip pain and restricted range of motion. She presented her X-ray image and required a total hip replacement (Figure 1). 1. You are asked to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the implant li …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : February 28th, 2024
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Cervical cancer is considered among the most dreaded and common diseases of women in India. It accounts for approximately 16% of the entire cases of Cervical Cancer happening globally. The situation is found to be much more alarming in rural areas wh …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : January 30th, 2024
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Introduction Nursing is a dynamic profession that involves caring for sick and disabled people. Nurses play a significant role in the health care system as a connection between patients and doctors. Among the most pressing issues facing our genera …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : January 30th, 2024
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INTRODUCTION: Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) commonly causes knee pain, especially in physically active females. It refers to anterior or retro patellar pain. Anterior knee pain is a prevalent condition primarily affecting young female patie …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : January 30th, 2024
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Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic was a global health emergency that impacted the whole world. It not only affected the health of the people but also disturbed economies and daily lives of people globally (Ciotti et al., 2020). The introduction o …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : January 30th, 2024
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Question 1 Laszlo has been advised to limit his potassium and sodium intake, with protein restricted to 0.75 gm/kg/day.   Provide a rationale for this therapeutic intervention by; linking these dietary adjustments to his underlying chron …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : November 21st, 2023
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HEALTH ISSUE - OBESITY Chronic illnesses are the main cause of disease, disability, and death and have a big effect on the population of any country. In Australia, arthritic conditions, obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic obstructive …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : November 21st, 2023
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Introduction Chronic illnesses are the main cause of disease, disability, and death and have a big effect on the population of any country. In Australia, arthritic conditions, allergies and asthma, back pain, cardiovascular disease, cancer, chroni …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : November 20th, 2023
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Clinical Diagnosis: In this case, the clinical diagnosis to consider is acute bacterial meningitis. Acute bacterial meningitis is a severe and potentially life-threatening condition characterized by the inflammation of the membranes (meninges) sur …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : November 09th, 2023
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Introduction Good morning to everyone of you. I will be discussing with you today how Ms. Kngwarreye, a 60-year-old Aboriginal woman with a long history of cigarette smoking and COPD, is being managed for her COPD pneumonia. Medication Therapy …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : November 07th, 2023
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Once, I while moving in the city I witnessed a very happy child running to show something to his mother. The incident occurred in the slum area of the city. The child who was from a homeless family was holding a bar of chocolate that somebody had han …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : November 06th, 2023
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Task 1 Legislative Framework for Health and Safety The laws, rules, and policies established by the government constitute the legal foundation for health and safety. Legislation establishes the duties and rights of both employers and employees, …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : November 05th, 2023
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Introduction The selected intervention case study, conducted by Yakubu et al. in 2019, centres on an educational program aimed at promoting sexual abstinence among adolescent girls in Northern Ghana. This cluster randomized control trial, embedded …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : November 03rd, 2023
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Section 1: The Case of Dementia Raj Ajun is a 56 year old with a family; he leaves with wife Aminah Singh and his 7-year granddaughter from his only son Ajun Kumar. On October 1, 2023, Mr. Raj checked in Max Hospital India with reported signs of …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : November 01st, 2023
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Question 1 Considering the health condition of Matt, it has been found that the client is informal operations stage. This stage of human cognitive development generally begins at the age of 11 or 12. This development stage of human is basically ch …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : November 01st, 2023
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Background: Sarah, a 39-year-oldfemale career counselor, had been a strong, motivated professional who made great progress in her role as a consultantwitha profitable business. She has been going through negative changes in her mood along witha ch …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : November 01st, 2023
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1.Introduction The association between eating meat and the risk of developing health issues, including cancer and cardiovascular disease, is the focus of this report's rigors analysis. In a world where dietary decisions are extremely important …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : October 31st, 2023
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Part A (a) One risk at the financial statement level One significant financial statement-level risk for Health Pharma for the year ending December 31, 2023, is the potential financial impact stemming from the liquidation of Inspire Private Hosp …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : October 30th, 2023
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Introduction The contemporary world has seen an increasing significance of the connection between Catholic Social Thought (CST) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UNICEF, 2021). Since nutrition scientists are essen …

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  • Posted on : October 30th, 2023
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Comment on the diversity of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures, and identify where you believe you sit within the Cultural Security Scale (Coffin, 2007) and why, Report: Cultural appropriation is a comple …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : October 27th, 2023
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Introduction Reflective practice is referred to as a cognitive skill that demands conscious efforts in order to look at all situations with awareness of values practices and beliefs. I remember an experience while I was a nursing student (Alsalama …

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  • Posted on : October 27th, 2023
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The report focused on the "Major Depressive Disorder" of Sarah and its classification under ICD-10. Additionally, the root cause, therapies as well and global and historical viewpoints of the disease have been discussed. Major Depressive Disorder …

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  • Posted on : October 23rd, 2023
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Assessment 1: Knowledge Questions (Q1-Q5) Health care providers including personal care attendants are required by law to follow national recommendations for infection control and prevention. Hand hygiene, using PPE, safe injection procedures, …

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  • Posted on : October 19th, 2023
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    United Kingdom

Introduction to first chapter 1.Background The chosen topic for this dissertation is assessing the impact of obesity on maternal and child health among women of child-bearing age.In this essay secondary research methods will be used to collect …

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  • Posted on : October 19th, 2023
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Description of the Disease Tuberculosis is a bacteria which affects the lungs but it can also attack other body parts such as the brain, kidney, and the spine(Harcourt Health Sciences, 2001). However, not every person who is affected by tuberculos …

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  • Posted on : October 19th, 2023
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    United Arab Emirates

Introduction A touching and thought-provoking drama/comedy called "The Bucket List" examines the idea of quality of life in the face of mortality. The plot centres on the unlikely relationship that develops between auto mechanic Carter Chambers an …

  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : October 04th, 2023
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LO1 Demonstrate a critical appreciation of evidence-based practice and the challenges associated with decision making and professional accountability. Section One-Question 1. Refer to The Code (NMC2018) and apply. Define and discuss accounta …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : July 27th, 2023
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Assessment Task In this assessment, you will research and present your findings on a topic related to the therapeutic use of medicines. This information will be presented in a digital educational poster format. Please refer to the Task Instruct …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : July 20th, 2023
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Study A (approx. 600 words total) Verkleij, S., Luijsterburg, P., Willemsen, S., Koes, B., Bohnen, A., & Bierma - Zeinstra, S. (2015). Effectiveness of diclofenac versus paracetamol in knee osteoarthritis: a randomised controlled trial in primary …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 01st, 2023
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Introduction Future focused primary health care: Australia’s Primary Health Care 10-year plan 2022-2032 states “Effective primary health can improve health outcomes at a lower cost than hospital and secondary care and helps to avoid unnecessar …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 18th, 2023
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Part 1: Research and short answer questions  For each topic, you must refer to the resources provided and read each question carefully. You will need to ensure you take note of the volume of response requirement where indicated. To complete th …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 15th, 2023
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Aim: This aim of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your ability to complete and present the findings of a focussed patient history and physical assessment relevant to your clinical specialization. The advanced practice nurse engages regularl …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 14th, 2023
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Purposeofassessmenttask In submitting a video for this task, you will communicate professionally your knowledge of person-centered medication management and evidence-based practice to ensure quality and safe care. Furthermore, this vid …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 13th, 2023
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Question 1   Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to review existing information about the client and consult with relevant health or community services professionals based on client needs. …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 11th, 2023
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Question 1   Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to research, analyse and maintainup-to-dateknowledgeandawarenessofthesocial,political,economicandlegalcontextsofAOD. Longresponse …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 11th, 2023
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Topic - Ambulance services used for transportation of pregnant women with obstetric Complications in -sub-Saharan Africa(SSA): A scoping review of the Literature Introduction 1000-1500 Method 2000 Result 3000 Discussion 3000 …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 11th, 2023
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Aim This task requires you to demonstrate your understanding of key concepts presented in this unit. In module 2 health promotion, epidemiology and health priority areas are introduced. The concept of supporting people to manage chronic condit …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 10th, 2023
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Instructions (delete all purple text prior to submitting): This assignment requires you to critically appraise two studies. Download this template, leave the sub-headings, and delete the purple text prior to submission. Ensure your student …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 10th, 2023
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Assessment Task Assignment 2 involves the written component of your response to the case scenario that you performed your role play (simulation) in Assessment 1. This task requires you to embrace major mental health concerns or issue …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 06th, 2023
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Please read the case study below and respond to the questions provided through your poster presentation. The case study highlights key areas where breaches in ethical principles occur. Case Study Molly is a 29-year-old …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 06th, 2023
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 You are required to produce an essay submission which summarizes and comments on a selected randomized controlled trial (RCT) relating to a digital health technique and/or intervention. You will be required to summarize the details of  …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 05th, 2023
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Task: The belief that the individual should take responsibility for their own health is a neo-liberal tenet that has impacted on government health policies and also the delivery of healthcare in many Western countries - including Australia. This b …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 03rd, 2023
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Task outline: Research and Evidence of Best Practice: Students will research and critically analyse anaphylactic shock within the context of the deteriorating patient. Identifying primary concepts of anaphylactic shock and the basic concepts of th …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : March 07th, 2023
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Question 1 Neurofibromatosis type 1 is one of the most common autosomal dominant disorders. A woman with neurofibromatosis type 1 has an unaffected partner. Which of the following is correct regarding their children? a) The probability that ea …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : February 03rd, 2023
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1. The Australian Indigenous community living in rural and remote areas: Burns, J et al (2019) An Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health 2018. Perth: Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet. Gomersall, JS et al (2017) What Indige …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : December 28th, 2022
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Assessment Requirements Review the Life Tables for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, reference period 2015-2017. URL: …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : December 28th, 2022
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AT3: Written analysis of case-based scenario: Utilise the Clinical Reasoning Cycle (Levett-Jones, 2018), to detail the provision of evidence-based,person-centred care for the case study provided. This should detail the persons situation, collection …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : December 21st, 2022
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  It is 1300 hours, and you are working on a general medical ward in a large metropolitan hospital. You are caring for Mrs. Angela Campbell, a 53-year-old woman, who presented to ED yesterday with dizziness, extreme fatigue, feeling generally u …

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : December 21st, 2022
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