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CHCEDS042- Provide support for e-learning Assignment

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Part 1: Research and short answer questions 

For each topic, you must refer to the resources provided and read each question carefully. You will need to ensure you take note of the volume of response requirement where indicated.

To complete this part of the assessment task you must complete all answers in each topic:

  • Topic 1: LMS functionality and policies
  • Topic 2:Tools and technologies to support e-learning
  • Topic 3:E-learning support

Topic 1: LMS functionality and policies

Read each question carefully. Each answer must be completed satisfactorily to be assessed as competent on this part of the task.

You may refer to any the following LMS or e-learning programs when completing the questions below. You may also select another LMS or e-learning program instead of those listed.

LMS or e-learning programs suggested (see Appendix 1 for access instructions):

  • Microsoft Teams
  • Google Classroom and Google Workspace for Education
  • Kahoot!
  • Scootle
  • Canvas
  • Moodle
  1. Your class teacher wants to provide some learning resources for students to use at home and in independent study at school. Choose one of the listed LMS or e-learning programs above (or another),which would provide access to resources, and explain how its functionality would support the purpose described. (100-150 words) 

The LMS can be used to assign the necessary courses to current employees to ensure they are developing effective job skills, remain informed about product changes and maintain relevant knowledge through new product and compliance training. However, the learning management system (LMS) is a software application or web-based technology used to plan, implement, and assess a specific learning process. It is used for eLearning practices and, in its most common form, consists of two elements, a server that performs the base functionality and a user interface that is operated by instructors, students and supervisors. Also, the learning management system provides an instructor with a way to create and deliver content, monitor student participation, and assess student performance. A learning management system may also provide students with the ability to use interactive features.

  1. Your high school has only 4 students who want to study a Year 10 Science unit on Earth and Space. Two other nearby schools have 5 and 6 students respectively. Choose a different LMS to that you described in Q1 and describe how the LMS could be used by a teacher at one of the schools, and an SLSO at each school, to support these students.  (100-150 words)

- LMS is software designed to manage and support efficient learning. It is a complete teaching solution where instructors can upload course content, and learners can access it through their profiles. The system supports both face-to-face learning and virtual classes.

- The LMS is a software tool that enables students to receive learning content and educational resources to continue their educational activities online. The use of LMS in education is a smart choice for educational institutions in today's world.

- As SLSO to support the student the MLS is to make sure the student is concentrating on what you are doing, maintain professional image and offer eLearning engagement rewards.

  1. Your school decides to begin using an LMS to provide learning materials to students. Describe how Copyright and Cyber-bulling policies will impact on the implementation of an LMS and identify two more policies or procedures which might impact. Describe how the school might manage the requirements of each policy as they implement the LMS. You can use policies from the site below or from any other school, educational institution or organisation within Australia that provides education to students aged 5-17. You must name the policy and provide a link to it or a copy of it with this assessment. Date of access must be included with links. (150-300 words)

NSW Education Policy Library (Long URL: https://education.nsw.gov.au/policy-library)

Copyright  (Long URL: https://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching-and-learning/learning-from-home/celebration-toolkit/getting-started/copyright)

Student can. Assess online learning materials what the school needs from the student and their parents. Also, the procedure could be to have a terms and condition from before accessing the materials, signing a consent from parents signing a responsible use from that there will be no cyber-bullying. However inappropriate behaviour when accessing materials. Students know must of these are signed when the students are enrolling learning. However, to manage the requirement of the implement LMS policy is to make sure that they use learning models, support and creation of learning content, analytics, and reports, use social learning, talent management and use mobile learning.

  1. In relation to the 4 policies, you described in Q3, list at least 3benefits of using each policy and 2 limitations on what can occur or what needs to be adapted to be included in the online course because of that policy. Identify the policy then list the benefits and limitations/adaptations.
    (5-15 words per item listed)


Topic 2: Tools and technologies to support e-learning

Read each question carefully. Each answer must be completed satisfactorily to be assessed as competent on this part of the task.

  1. Research each of the terms or tools below and complete the following table. Describe what each is and how it might be used in e-learning with students. (20-80 words per term)

Table 2 Research task



Course content

Any informational material that is required for participation or understanding content such as readings, video recordings, exams, and any other material needed for learning. ensuring that students can learn the information being taught. Therefore, it is important to be concise when writing course content so that students are not overwhelmed and can retain the information.

Online whiteboard

An online whiteboard is a learning space where both teachers and students can write and interact with students in real time via the internet. Online whiteboards can be used for the same purposes as physical whiteboards, providing a space for teams to brainstorm, run design sprints, conduct retrospectives, or simply present ideas.

Chat room/Chat tools

Chat rooms are Web sites or programs that allow people to send text messages to one another in real time. The chat room works as a virtual room, where groups of people send messages that others can read instantaneously. However, typically used for one-on-one or small-group communication, while video conferencing software is designed for more formal meetings with multiple participants. Platforms like Zoom, meanwhile, enable voice or video chatting between two or more users.

Break-out room/s

Breakout rooms are split off from the main Zoom meeting. They allow the participants to meet in smaller groups and are completely isolated in terms of audio and video from the main session. Also, it used for collaboration and discussion of the meeting. However, if you need to keep group time brief, consider reducing the task size, avoiding multiple questions, or assigning different questions to different groups.

Message board

A message board is a location on the internet where users can engage in a virtual conversation. These conversations are made available via posted messages. Other users can respond to these messages or start a separate discussion. Many websites include message boards. A message board is an online discussion area in which users with similar interests discuss topics. These conversations or discussions are available in the form of posted messages. 


Navigation is the art and science of determining the position of a ship, plane, or other vehicle, and guiding it to a specific destination. Navigators measure distance on the globe in degrees. 

Provide a single way to navigate forward.

Provide a tour on how to navigate through the course.

Always use short and crisp titles.

Use icons that are relevant to the context of your course.

Be consistent with the placement of navigational links.


A test of knowledge, especially as a competition between individuals or teams as a form of entertainment. E-learning quizzes are a great way to find out whether learners have fully digested (and understood) course material. To get a clear picture of where learners stand, your quiz will need to present them with the right questions. 

Progress bar or record

A progress bar is a graphical control element used to imagine the progression of an extended computer operation, such as a download, file transfer, or installation. Sometimes, the graphic is accompanied by a textual representation of the progress in a percent format. Progress bars keep learners on track by showing them how far they've gone in your course and how far they have left to go. As an e-learning developer, you have the opportunity to make your progress bars gorgeous, fun, and even instructive in their own right.

Student outcomes

Student learning outcomes are the specified knowledge, skills, abilities, or attitudes that students are expected to attain by the end of a learning experience. The results indicate that online presence has a significant influence on learning performance. A subsequent analysis found that cognitive presence played the most important role in blog-based online learning performance. Therefore, Cognitive knowledge related to a discipline. Example: Students will be able to identify major muscles groups. Also, the skills and abilities physical and intellectual skills related to a discipline.   


Video conferencing is live, visual connection between two or more remote people over the internet that simulates a face-to-face meeting. Video conferencing is important because it joins people who would not normally be able to form a face-to-face connection. With video conferencing you get a real time contact with the student. You will be able to solve all their doubts at the same time as well as getting feedback, as these queries can be used to improve future courses or explanations.


Email is an electronic mail that exchange of computer-stored messages from one user to one or more recipients via the internet. Email can assist students with literacy and language learning using email exchanges and online writing exercises. The authentic learning provided by collaboration with peers gets students excited about school. When students use email it can also: Increase motivation through self-directed and collaborative learning.

Course structure

Course structure refers to the choice of topics, organization, and sequencing of course content. The choice of topics and their organization should always support the learning objectives for the course. In other words, the structure of your online courses is determined by how you have arranged your topics, sub-topics, and individual learning elements in relation to each other. Start with Why: Do a need analysis, do a content analysis, define learning objectives, define your instructional design plan.

  1. Describe how the internet can be used to support e-learning. Include at least 5different uses outside the LMS or e-learning program. (100 words) 

helps the students with the learning process as it helps to simplify the knowledge. Also, it helps to imagine what is being taught by the teachers in school. However, if you want to prepare for final exams, you can access Video Tutorials and other resources online through the Internet. Therefore, the 5 different uses are lectures, resources, opportunities to meet and chat with other students, self-paced learning, and active study methods.

  1. There have been many reviews on e-learning, both in Australia and overseas, and many articles written about it. Conduct some research on e-learning and identify at least 5elements that should be integrated into an e-learning program for student learning outcomes to improve. Your research should be about the provision of e-learning to students in the 5-17 years age group and identify the sources of the data. Provide references for each site from which you use information. (200 words)

Topic 3: e-learning support

Read each question carefully. Each response should be a minimum of 80 words but no longer than 100 words. Each answer must be completed satisfactorily to be assessed as competent on this part of the task.

  1. Following on from Q3 in Part 1, describe how the teacher and SLSOs might provide support to the students undertaking the Science course. Briefly describe at least 4 learning or e-learning support strategies an SLSO might use to ensure all students can undertake the learning in this e-learning course.
  • Engage the students in conversation about the e-learning.
  • Question students about the material.
  • Ask for summaries of the project.
  • Make the student’s Learning Programs Interactive
  • The most effective ispractice testing. It consists of studying and reviewing by answering questions and actively bringing information back to mind. When this is done, information is reconsolidated, new connections are created, and memory and understanding are strengthened.
  1. Following on from Q2 and Q3, describe how the teacher and SLSOs might provide support to the students undertaking the Science course. Briefly describe at least 3 technical support strategies an SLSO might use to ensure all students can access and use the e-learning course.  

Regardless of what level of software you choose for your e-learning solution, you need to consider five characteristics. These are maintainability, compatibility, usability, modularity, and accessibility. Each of these characteristics is critical for success. However, eLearning uses digital technologies to expand the learning environment to accommodate this diversity.


  1. Following on from Q2, 3 and 4, describe at least 2different ways that you and the other SLSOs could confirm the student learning outcomes and expectations with the teacher, and communicate these to students.
  • Expectations should clearly communicate to students the behaviours that are desired in the classroom. Expectationsprovide the basis for maintaining a safe and effective learning environment.
  • Revise curriculum with the information students will need to complete the course remotely.
  • Give feedback and provide a mechanism for students to give you feedback.


Part 2: Scenarios 

To complete this part of the assessment, you are required to read the scenarios and each question carefully. Once you have read the information, you must complete the responses to the questions in the spaces provided.  

You must take note of the volume of response requirement where indicated.

Note: If Microsoft Teams is not available through your TAFE logon you may answer these questions about another LMS. All questions must be answered about the same LMS. You must get permission from your teacher/assessor to use another LMS.

Table 3 Scenario

Scenario 1: Setting up for e-learning  

You are the primary school SLSO and have been asked by the Year 5/6 teacher (Stage 3) teachers, to set up some independent learning materials in an e-learning program for approximately ten advanced maths students in Year 5/6. The students are in three different classes and have 3 different class teachers but work with one teacher only in maths (the classes regroup for maths). You are the only SLSO who supports the group. There is one in school IT technician.

You have been asked to investigate the use of Microsoft Teams as the school has access to this e-learning platform. Investigate the Microsoft Teams e-learning platform and answer the following questions.

  1. The teachers want the maths students to be in a group within the Microsoft Teams environment.
    Within that group they want the assignments or projects to be visible to all students and for the students to be able to undertake them in any order. What advice would you give re the use of Microsoft Teams and how these 2goals could be met?  (60-100 words) 

Microsoft Teams is a great platform for group collaboration and project management. To meet these two goals, I would recommend creating a "Maths Students" team within Microsoft Teams and adding all the students to that team. Within that team, you can create a "Assignments" channel where all the assignments or projects can be posted. You can set the channel to be visible to all students and allow them to undertake the assignments in any order. Additionally, you can use the "Assignments" feature in Microsoft Teams to create and assign specific tasks to individual students or groups of students. This feature allows you to set due dates, add instructions, and grade assignments all within the Microsoft Teams environment.

  1. The teachers want to be able to upload documents to Teams, having created them elsewhere. They want the students to be able to download copies to work on if they want to and upload them back to Teams for teacher and peer review. Each document would have the student outcomes for the learning session and be presented in Calibri size 12, and need to display consistently whether a Word.docx, Google.doc or pdf. What advice would you give the teachers in relation to what they want to do on Microsoft Teams? (50-80 words)

To upload documents to Teams, the teachers can create a "Files" tab within the "Maths Students" team and upload the documents there. This will allow all students to view and download the documents as needed. To ensure consistency in formatting, the teachers can create a template for the documents that includes the student outcomes and uses Calibri size 12 font. This template can be saved as a Microsoft Word document, Google Doc, or PDF and uploaded to the "Files" tab for students to download and use. To enable peer review, the teachers can create a "Peer Review" channel within the "Maths Students" team where students can upload their completed documents for review by their peers. The teachers can also use the "Assignments" feature in Microsoft Teams to assign specific tasks to individual students or groups of students and set due dates for submission.

  1. The teachers would also like the students to be able to chat to each other and discuss problems together, face to face and online using synchronous and asynchronous tools. What advice would you give about this and the tools within Microsoft Teams that could be used by the students. Describe each briefly for the teachers. (40-80 words)

Microsoft Teams provides several tools that can be used by students to chat and discuss problems together, both synchronously and asynchronously.  Chat: The Chat feature in Microsoft Teams allows students to have real-time conversations with each other. They can use this feature to discuss problems, share ideas, and collaborate on projects.

Video Calls: Microsoft Teams also provides the ability to make video calls, allowing students to have face-to-face conversations with each other. This feature can be used for synchronous discussions or group meetings.

Posts: Microsoft Teams are similar to social media posts. Students can use this feature to share ideas, ask questions, and provide feedback to each other.

OneNote: is a digital notebook that can be used by students to take notes, create to-do lists, and collaborate on projects. This feature can be used to share notes and ideas with other students.

Overall, Microsoft Teams provides a range of tools that can be used by students to communicate and collaborate with each other. Teachers can encourage students to use these tools to work together and solve problems.

  1. The teachers want the students to be able to access Microsoft Teams on the class laptops (Windows machines), at home (Windows/Mac) or on personal devices (iPad, iPhone, Android tablets and phones). What advice would you give the teachers about this goal? (20-60 words)

It is important to note that students may have different levels of access to Microsoft Teams on different devices depending on their school's policies and settings. Teachers should check with their school's IT department to ensure that students can access Microsoft Teams from all devices and that they have the necessary permissions to use all features of the platform.

  1. The teachers want you to give them information on how much information they will be able to obtain from Microsoft Teams on student learning outcomes and student progress through the independent learning tasks. Investigate Microsoft Teams and describe the possible ways teachers will be able to obtain this information. (80-120 words)

Microsoft Teams, as a cloud-based service, processes various types of personal data as part of delivering the service. This personal data includes content meetings and conversations chats, voicemail, shared files, recordings, and transcriptions.

However, the LMS is one of the most useful features in different user roles. In any LMS, there are 3 main user types: A user or a learner who takes the assigned courses and studies the available materials.

  1. One of the school’s goals is to make learning more accessible for students. Comment on how this project might assist the school in working towards the achievement of this goal. (70-120 words)

This project can significantly assist the school in working towards the goal of making learning more accessible for students. By allowing students to access Microsoft Teams on different devices, they can easily communicate with each other and collaborate on projects, regardless of their location or the device they are using. This project can also help to promote more flexible learning environments, where students can learn at their own pace and in their own time. By providing students with the ability to access Microsoft Teams on personal devices, they can continue their learning outside of the classroom and collaborate with their peers remotely.

Additionally, Microsoft Teams provides a range of accessibility features that can help to make learning more accessible for students with disabilities. For example, students can use the Immersive Reader feature to have text read aloud to them or to adjust the font size and spacing for easier reading.

Overall, this project can help to promote a more inclusive learning environment where all students have equal access to learning resources and can collaborate with their peers regardless of their location or the device they are using.

Table 4 Scenario

Scenario 2: Support for e-learning  

The teachers have gone ahead with their plan, and you have set up five independent learning projects within the Microsoft Teams environment. The students are in a team called Year 5/6 Maths Red and the projects are only available to this group. There are currently ten students within the group.

The teachers want to introduce the students to the project and get them started. They want you to make some recommendations about how support could be provided to the students:

· when they are getting started

· as they are working on the maths problems

· how troubleshooting (both e-learning and technical) will be managed   

  1. In the context of this scenario (age and number of students, number of teachers, goals of program) describe the benefits and weaknesses of using the following support models in each of those stages, and make recommendations about the best model to trial (each answer 50-100 words):
    • Online teacher / facilitator
    • Site-based teacher or facilitator
    • Site based or virtual peer support group
    • Help desk or technical expert
    • User manuals, instructions and guides
  1. The teachers want some advice on how work might be managed within the group of teachers, yourself, and the IT technician. What advice will you give them, if they decide to go with the site-based teacher, an SLSO during class time, a site based/virtual peer support group and an IT/technical expert as their support model? (100-200 words)

- Managing work within the context of e-learning can be challenging, as students are often working independently and remotely. Below are some ways in which work can be managed effectively:

-  Clear Communication: Clear and consistent communication is essential to managing work within the context of e-learning. Teachers should provide clear instructions, deadlines, and expectations for students, and ensure that they are easily accessible through online communication channels.

- Structured Learning Activities: Structured learning activities, such as online quizzes, assignments, and group projects, can help to keep students engaged and on task. These activities should be designed to be interactive and engaging and should provide students with opportunities to collaborate with their peers.

- Progress Tracking: Teachers should have a system in place to track student progress and provide feedback on their work. This can include online gradebooks, progress reports, and individualized feedback on assignments.

- Time Management: Time management is an essential skill for e-learning, as students need to be able to manage their own time effectively. Teachers should provide guidance on time management strategies and encourage students to develop a routine that works best for them.

- Support Services: Support services, such as tutoring and academic advising, can be provided online to help students who are struggling with their work. These services should be easily accessible and provide students with the support they need to succeed.

- Overall, managing work within the context of e-learning requires a combination of clear communication, structured learning activities, progress tracking, time management, and support services. By implementing these strategies, teachers can help to ensure that students stay engaged and on track, and that they have the support they need to succeed.

Part 3: Case studies 

To complete this part of the assessment, you are required to read the Case Study and each question carefully. Once you have read the information, you must complete your responses to the questions in the spaces provided.  

You will need to ensure you take note of the volume of response requirement where indicated.  

Table 5 Case study 1

Case Study 1 - e-learning for Gifted students  

A group of schools is providing support for students who have been identified as gifted. The program is open to primary school students from Years 2-6. The program is delivered through Moodle, and the students engage with the learning materials and the group both at school, in timetabled lessons, and at home when they want to. There are goals for the program and learning outcomes articulated for each student. The support model includes an online facilitator / teacher working the equivalent of two days per week (funded by the schools the students attend), peer support and IT support (available by phone from the Education Department’s IT help-desk). Individual schools provide other support to students but that varies per school as to whether it is provided through the class teacher, a support teacher, a parent or an SLSO.

  1. Describe how the group of schools might review the program to determine whether it is meeting student needs and organisational goals and whether the schools can continue to provide support for it. (100-150 words)

Create a learning goal for all the students.

Give students different ways to learn the content and also supervise how they use the e-learning web and make sure they know how to use it by providing extra support to the students.

Create a variety of different activities for each lesson.

Offer different project options in the classroom.

Choose the right training tools.

Run a pilot e-learning content.

Motivate and support students to access e-learning.

Enhance the quality of learning and teaching. Therefore, meet the learning style or needs of students. Improve the efficiency and effectiveness. Improve user accessibility and time flexibility to engage learners in the learning process.

  1. Which groups of people would you get feedback from in undertaking the review? How would you gather the feedback?
    Give examples of at least 3 questions that you might ask. (40-80 words)

To get feedback it has to be from the students’ parents or carer.

  • Ask each participant to send a summary.
  • Monitor post online training productivity.
  • Assess employees' skill sets.
  • Conduct social media polls.
  • Host a live eLearning feedback event.

Did the online course meet your expectations in terms of quality learning?

  • Was the online course helpful in progressing toward your goals?
  • Would you recommend this online course to other students?
  • What improvements would you make to this online course?
  1. After you have gathered feedback from all groups, what should be done with the feedback? (40-100 words)

· Listen to the feedback given.

· Be aware of the responses. Such as body language and tone of voice often speak louder than words.

· Be open.

· Understand the message or feedback.

· Reflect and decide what to do.

· Follow up.

· Summarize the feedback.

Table 6 Case study 2

Case study 2 – Use of communication tools  

You are working as an SLSO in a High school. You and the teachers have been reviewing their e-learning programs. You have collated feedback from students, teachers and parents that indicates that they are generally satisfied that most learning outcomes are being met. However, all groups have given feedback that they would like more opportunities for the students to share their work and ideas online. The teachers are therefore now looking at how they can add communication tools, both for synchronous communication, such as chat and an online interactive whiteboard, and asynchronous communication, such as a message board or noticeboard, into their e-learning programs. This must be in line with policies and procedures, including privacy guidelines. They want you to support them in this process.

  1. Describe what the teachers might get you to investigate to help them decide which communication tools might be used.  (100-150 words)

To investigate and to help the student on how to decide on what communication to be use while studying is to do online communication is the same as that of face-to-face communication, building links, share information, be heard, and be understood. When and how you communicate with your students helps foster a sense of community in your online classes, which helps them feel connected to you and their colleagues.

However, they can use mail, email, telephones, cell phones, smartphones, computers, video and web conferencing tools, social networking, as well as online collaboration and productivity platforms.

  1. Describe how the following NSW policies and procedures will need to be considered as you implement communication tools into the programs. Identify at least 2 more which you will need to consider and add a brief statement about what each might cover. (80-150 words)

Policy or Procedure

What will need to be considered


Teachers are responsible for holding every student's data in confidence and sharing it only with necessary parties such as parents, other teachers, and administrators. Finally, teachers can keep student data both private and confidential by establishing clear security practices in their classrooms.

Child Protection

Research and experience have shown repeatedly that keeping children safe from harm requires information to be shared about: A child's health and development, and exposure to possible harm. A parent or carer who may need help or may not be able to care for a child adequately and safely.

Student use of digital devices and online services

A laptop is essential for any student these days as it provides an easy and convenient way to take notes, research topics, access course materials, and stay connected with peers. Look for one with a long battery life and sufficient storage space for documents, photos, videos, music files and more.

Internet and email

Internet communication tools save money in a variety of ways. Email, instant messaging, and social networking are all free. There are many different kinds of Internet communications tool, such as email, forums, online chat, and social networking among others.

Customer service platforms

· Create a positive work environment.

· Create incentives for employees who adhere to customer service standards.

· Ensure to provide sufficient support and resources.

· Ensuring there are systems and structures in place that are clear and easy to interpret.

· Provide staff with relevant training.

  1. What hardware, software and bandwidth issues might students encounter when using communication tools and how will you suggest these issues be dealt with? (50–80-word count)

Many students are not provided with the high bandwidth or the strong internet connection that online courses require, and therefore fail to catch up with their classmates. Their weak monitors make it hard to follow the Course Management System and their learning experience becomes problematic. Moreover, most of them live off campus and find it difficult to keep in tune with the technical requirements of the chosen course. Some of the students don’t even own computers and seek help in Learning Resource Centres for technical assistance. The only solution to this problem is knowing exactly what kind of technological support they will need for a certain course before enrolling in it, as well as properly equipping themselves for the course’s successful completion.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 15th, 2023
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  • Views : 298

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