BLAW6000 Health, Safety and Environmental Law Research Assignment
- Subject Code :
Environmental Health is an area which has a very wide scope with many differentspecialisations which are all aimed at ensuring community safety and the general healthoftheenvironment.
This research assignment requires students to find a specific area or sub-topic withinthe area of environmental health. Specifically, students are required to research on,expand their knowledge and effectively communicate how the law plays out in thatchosentopicofresearch.
The assignment should be well researched (primary sources & secondary sources)and haveoriginalitystudentsshouldnot just summarisewhat has been covered inthis Unit and the Unit materials and lectures. Theassignment should not be merelydescriptivebut havesomeelement of analysisthebest papers will includeinvestigations/research into areaswhicharecontentious,theymayincludeacasestudyrelevant toanareaof environmental health or can include comparisons withother Australianjurisdictions.
Students may also want to address questions like whether the legislative frameworkis sufficient to address or minimise the intended negative impact on the health andsafety of the community and environment, whether there is a need for law reform in thatareaorwhetherthereisneedtolegaleducation/awareness.
The aim here is to draw out critical issues and to show how they work with thelaw. Therefore identifying the laws/legislative framework in that area/topic is critical towriting this assignment. The assignment should address theeffectiveness of thelaws (or perhaps, their ineffectiveness) and also make proposals/suggestions or anopinionattheendofthepaper.
- Thisisaresearchpaperwhichrequiresyouto include the applicationof principles of law, use appropriate case law/legislation and other sources asmayberequiredtoanswer the
- Theassignmentshouldnotbemorethan4000wordsthisincludestheBibliographyorListofReferences(whetherstudentsareusingtheChicagostyle or theAGLCstyle).
- Eachslide has a recording so please listen to the recordings as more guidance andtipsareprovidedonwhatandhowtowritethisAssignment.
- The 4000 word countdoesnotincludethecover
- Anythingin excessofthisword limitwillnotbe marked.
- PleaseDONOTattachthemarkingrubrictoyour assignment.
- YouarerequiredtouseeithertheAGLCreferencingstyleorthe Chicagoreferencing style.
- Pleasedouble spaceyourworkand usefonts12-14.
- TheAssignmentAttachmentForm(coversheet)mustbesignedandattachedtoyourAcopyisavailableonBlackboard.
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- Youareallowedtousediagramsorgraphsasisnecessary/relevantif youso
- YouarewelcomegetintouchwiththeUnitCoordinatorifyouneedfurtherguidanceonyourchosen