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Chandler Medical Case Study

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Added on: 2022-08-20 00:00:00
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Case study

Chandler, a 47-year-old male presented to the hospital with mid-epigastric pain, bloating, and nausea 30 to 60 minutes after meals. He also noticed dark-colored stools over the past two days. Chandler works as an accountant in a highly stressful work environment and consumes coffee regularly while at work. He has been taking Ibuprofen for the last three weeks for a sprained ankle and sometimes aspirin for headaches. He drinks 4 to 6 glasses of whisky on weekends. Chandler was admitted to the hospital. Stool-antigen test and urea breath test were positive for H pylori. Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy confirmed multiple bleeding gastric ulcers. A nasogastric tube was inserted for 4th hourly aspiration. He was kept nil by mouth for two days with IV fluid therapy. Chandler was given antiemetics, antibiotics, and medications to decrease stomach acidity via the intravenous route. The nasogastric tube was removed after two days and Chandler was commenced on a soft diet. IV fluid therapy was stopped on day 3. His condition improved and Chandler was discharged from the hospital after seven days with a referral to a local GP clinic for review every six months.


  1. Discuss the pathophysiology of gastric ulcers and the contributing factors for the disease condition in Chandler's case.
  2. Explain focused gastrointestinal assessment (collecting subjective and objective data) for Chandler on admission.
  3. List the classes of medications to decrease stomach acidity and explain their mechanism of action.
  4. Detail the nursing management of Chandler while admitted to the hospital and briefly outline patient education topics on discharge.

Assessment criteria

  1. Pathophysiology of gastric ulcer and the contributing factors relating to the case study.
  2. Gastrointestinal assessment on admission related to the case study.
  3. An understanding of the medication used for the management of reducing stomach acidity includes the pharmacodynamics of these drugs.
  4. Nursing management including discharge education.
  5. Write the paper using academic tone, language, formatting, and presentation. Follow the essay format that is attached below (Introduction, body, and conclusion) and use headings. You must write complete paragraphs and are not permitted to use dot points, lists, or tables.
  6. Paper is widely researched using credible academic literature; in-text referencing and the reference list is in APA 7th edition.
  • Uploaded By : Hritik
  • Posted on : August 17th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 199

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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more